Motivational Monday: It’s Time To Shoot For The Moon!

Hey, everyone. Guess what today is? Are you ready for another Motivational Monday blog from yours truly? As always, I’m here to start off the week with some inspiration to keep you all in it to win it. And it goes without saying that I wish you all the best of luck as we head towards another incredible Special Early Look Prize Event on October 25th from Giveaway 13000.
This time we’re scheduled to award a staggering $1,000.00 A Day For Life … and if that kind of money is not motivation enough, check out these words of wisdom from motivational speaker Les Brown: “Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.”
That means you’ve got to aim high, folks! It’s perfectly okay to dream … in fact it’s downright healthy! And if you are going to dream about a better life for yourself and your loved ones, then you might as well DREAM BIG! And I couldn’t think of anything much bigger than $1,000.00 A Day FOR LIFE! That’s $365,000.00 each and every year! Think of all you could do with that money.
It’s a huge financial windfall that could change your life. Imagine finally paying off that debt … buying your dream home … driving that awesome new vehicle you’ve always wanted … traveling the world. The list goes on.
The second half of this quote is just as important. Even if you don’t achieve what you are aiming for, you will still be “among the stars”. As long as you keep that hope alive and hold onto that dream, you’ll still be somewhere better than when you started. And you may even accomplish other great things by doing your best to reach that goal. Make sense?
So, do everything you can to reach that goal of WINNING! We’ll be taking a Special Early Look to see if the matching winning number has been timely returned. If not, we’ll be awarding a base prize instead in a random drawing at giveaway end. The last day to enter to win $1,000.00 A Day For Life is October 22, so you’ve got plenty of time to get plenty of entries in. It’s time to get your game plan in place. Why not enter every day and in every way possible at PCHlotto … PCHSearch&Win… PCHgames … or PCHfrontpage. And if you’re starting your day now, why not just click the upper right-hand corner on the blog page here to get in today’s first entry? How easy is that?
Jane M.
PCH Creative