Motivational Monday — Slow And Steady Wins The Race!

Last Updated: October 28, 2018

I’m sure you all know the Tortoise and the Hare story. It’s one of my favorite tales from Aesop’s Fables. That’s what came to mind when I saw this saying: “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go … as long as you do not stop.” I thought it would be the perfect way to start off the week in order to inspire all of you fans to keep at it, stay with it, and slowly but surely move closer toward that goal of winning a PCH SuperPrize!

Stay In It For The Long Haul!

If you remember, this fable started out with an unevenly matched race between a tortoise and a hare. But the hare took his sweet time along the way, sure that he would win, while the tortoise kept up his slow pace throughout and never stopped … until he reached the finish line ahead of the hare!

Entering to win a PCH SuperPrize isn’t a race. But it does require dedication and a sense of purpose over the long haul in order to stay in it to win it. So, I suggest that you all make like that tortoise!

Keep Your Eyes On The SuperPrize!

You’ll need to stay focused on that “finish line” and keep your head in the game so to speak. It doesn’t matter if you missed a day or two, get back at it when you have the chance. You’ll see that the prizes keep on coming in all shapes and sizes as the calendar rolls on. The HUGE Forever Prize that enables you to leave a legacy of financial stability for a loved one … plenty of “Lifetime” prizes that pay out weekly checks for the life of the winner … $1 Million prizes from our second chance drawings … other cash prizes in all different amounts … plus don’t forget the daily prizes you can win at, PCH Search&Win, PCHKeno, PCHblackjack … and more!

Keep At It, No Matter What!

Many of our past winners will tell you that they just kept entering, even if their friends and family told them they would never win. They kept the faith and followed their hearts and took just a little time to get that entry in the mail, or to click that button, and now they’re laughing all the way to the bank! And now is certainly NOT the time to quit. Our next big SuperPrize is a HUGE $7,000.00 A Week For Life Special Early Look Prize Event. Even if the winning number is not timely returned, we will definitely award $1 Million in a second chance drawing.  So you should start entering now!

I hope you enjoyed the blog and that you walk away with some Motivational Monday inspiration that you can use all week. Before you go, please tell us in the comments below how you keep your “head in the game” and maintain a slow and steady pace as you make your way toward the goal of winning a SuperPrize!

Best of luck!

Jane M.
PCH Creative