Motivational Monday Wisdom: DON’T GIVE UP!

Last Updated: November 30, 2017

My dear friends, Thomas Edison knew what he was talking about! After a childhood illness had left him very nearly deaf, Edison grew up with teachers telling him that he was “too stupid to learn anything” — but he never gave up, and made hundreds of failed attempts before perfecting a commercially practical incandescent light bulb.

What do they say about the secret to success?  That it’s 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration?  But it’s true! When you read the life stories of famous scientists, inventors, business owners, athletes and performers, there is always one common theme: they never gave up the fight to reach their goals, no matter what!

Did you know that Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper and told that he “lacked creativity”? That Bob Dylan’s high school band lost a high school talent competition to a tap dancing act? That “Colonel” Harland (KFC) Sanders was rejected over 1,000 times before he found a restaurant that would back his secret recipe for chicken?

Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by 27 publishers before it was accepted. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team because he “wasn’t good enough.”  And Oprah Winfrey endured a rough childhood and many career setbacks, including being fired as a reporter — and told she was “unfit for TV”!

Sam Walton put in 5 long years of hard work at his first store before losing it … and going on to found Walmart.  Sylvester “Rocky” Stallone was rejected in over 600 casting auditions. Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade and was defeated in every election before becoming British Prime Minister at the age of 62.

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling was a single Mom, suffering from depression and depending on welfare while struggling to attend school and publish her first novel. But she never gave up, and went on to become one of the richest women in the world!

PCH Winners also say “DON’T GIVE UP!”

Our big PCH Sweepstakes winners would give you the same “keep on trying” advice as the famous achievers I just talked about! $5,000 A Week “Forever” winner Ora Gayton said, “Just keep playing! That’s all you got to do! You can’t give up … you got to keep on going!” PCH Millionaire Diane Jehanian said,  “Just be diligent! You’ll never win if you don’t try.” And even though neighbors told her to give up, another $5,000 A Week “Forever” prize winner, Tamar Howard, ignored them and kept the faith. She said, “Keep entering! … I just entered all on my phone and by playing games.”

Stay strong … stay focused …  ENTER TODAY AND EVERY DAY!

It’s so easy … just log on at, enter, and you’re done! Come play our games, search the Web with PCHSearch&Win, visit us on Facebook, check out the buzz at PCHFrontpage –– follow the advice of our wonderful winners and keep on trying every day, because you never know which entry might bring our Prize Patrol to your door!

Share your “NEVER GIVE UP” advice and experience with us!

I hope that Thomas Alva Edison, our winners (and I!) have inspired you to never give up in your resolve to WIN at Publishers Clearing House, especially since the next SuperPrize Event is just around the corner.  Do you have words of encouragement or a story that shows how persistence pays off?  We’d love it if you could share it in the “Comments” section below!

We’re counting on you!

Your PCH friend,