Need A New Set of Wheels? Enter To Win A Car Sweepstakes!

Hey there, friends!
PCH is known all across the country as a place that makes real winners, thanks in no small part to our fans like you. But while we’re known for awarding life-changing SuperPrizes, we also have tons of other prizes that you can go for, like our Win A Car Sweepstakes!
Before I lived in Manhattan, one of my least favorite things was car trouble (now it’s subway trouble, but that’s another story…). For a long time, I drove a battered up, out of use 2001 Infiniti inherited from my beloved grandma. Back in 2001, it was quite an impressive vehicle, but by the time I was driving it, it was 2014 and a little less impressive. After a while, the transmission even stopped working if I drove it for over 35 minutes—an inevitability during rush hour!
Needless to say, I would have done just about anything for a new car! I considered everything: shopping for another preowned car, leasing, looking for a wealthy spinster great aunt to sweet talk into buying me one (respectively too unreliable, too expensive, and non-existent). But to win a car would have been something else!
Keep On Truckin’
While winning any car would be quite the treat, landing a new ride from our Win A Car Sweepstakes would be extra tasty! You wouldn’t just get any old car, of course: you’d win a fully loaded Ford F150, valued at $65,549!
Now, I admit, I’m not really a truck person: my dream car is an Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8A, like Norma Desmond had in “Sunset Boulevard.” But even I’m enchanted by both the coolness and the practicality of this truck. It’s extremely spacious and just look at those seats! It’s just the kind of car I envision Carrie Underwood singing about.
This car has some seriously impressive features! Its carrying capacity is over 3,000 pounds and it can tow over FOUR TIMES that! It can tow 13,000 times what I can tow! And beyond that, it has other really neat technical features, like trailer backup assistance and blind spot coverage! It’s nothing but the top of the line for our Win A Car Sweepstakes!
I’m not a person who usually needs a vehicle with such impressive capabilities, but I am a person who believes it’s always better to be prepared than not! Be it moving your kids into college or moving into your dream home, the Ford F150 would be a major help!
Enter our Win A Car Sweepstakes today! If you win, you will not be disappointed in your new vehicle!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: What would you use the Ford F150 for? If not a truck, what kind of car would YOU like to win? Let us know in the comments below!