New Jersey Winner Can Say “I Told You So!” For The Rest Of Her Life!

Last Updated: February 17, 2015

Yvonne Pollock SuperPrize

It was a blistery cold morning on February 6th, but New Jersey winner Yvonne Pollock sure warmed our hearts!

Danielle Lam and I headed out bright and early Friday morning to surprise this lucky lady with her flowers, balloons, and $10,000 “Big Check,” and were eagerly greeted by her father Fernando upon knocking on the front door.  Fernando’s reaction? Well, being a religious PCH entrant for years himself, he jokingly asked us “Are you SURE you’re not here for ME?”  Then he told us that Yvonne wasn’t home, but was fortunately just a quick 5-minute ride away at the doctor’s office where she worked. So off we went…but not without Fernando!

You see, after learning that Fernando was the one who encouraged Yvonne to continue the family tradition of entering the Sweepstakes, we decided to make him an honorary Prize Patrol member for the day! So he joined us for the ride, and even held the balloons as we excitedly made our way into Yvonne’s office!


As you can see, Yvonne was FLOORED when we surprised her with the $10,000 Big Check! And the entire office, who were just as shocked and excited, all joined in on the fun! Yvonne told us that she enters online every single day. She always believed that someday she would win and even daydreamed of a winning moment when the Prize Patrol rang her doorbell (I bet she never imagined us showing up at her office though!)

Yvonne Pollock PCH SuperPrize Winner

Yvonne is planning to use her winnings on a 20th wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii for her and her husband! Isn’t that sweet? Funny enough, Yvonne’s husband always told her that she shouldn’t “waste her time entering” and that “no one ever wins”. Ha! Looks like now Yvonne can tell him “I told you so” for the rest of her life! 🙂

If you have any nay-sayers in your family or friends that encourage you to give up – please share this story with them. And whatever you do, DON’T GIVE UP! You never know when it could be YOUR lucky day…when it might be your chance to say “I told you so” as you laugh your way to the bank!

Congratulations again to Yvonne – and a special thanks to Fernando for passing on the winning tradition of entering the PCH Sweepstakes!

Amanda C.
PCH Creative

P.S. Do you ever picture your winning moment like Yvonne did? What do you see in your head? Please share it with us in the comments below!

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