New Year, New YOU! PCH Sweepstakes Can Make It Happen!
I hope everyone had a great New Year! I rang it in with my buddies at the local bowling alley. The next morning, my Facebook feed was filled with resolutions and articles about them. You know how that saying goes…”new year, new you!” Well many people were making that come true! I read about friends who were going to start making healthier habits the norm. Exercising more, stopping smoking, and eating better were repeated throughout the newsfeed. Many people were taking the change of the New Year as a chance to start a new chapter of their lives.
I reflected on years past and as to what 2013 would bring. Back in 2008, I was a stressed out lady. I was working three jobs. Then, a major change occurred. The Prize Patrol came to Northwest Ohio looking to hand over a really Big Check to me from the PCH Sweepstakes. Trust me, it was LIFE changing.
When I won the $1 Million SuperPrize in August of 2008, it opened up so many opportunities. For one, I dropped two of my three jobs. My husband Scott and I knocked out our debt, donated some funds to local charities and built our dream home. We went from a small trailer to a two-story home that Scott designed. I had definitely started a new chapter in my own life.

Now my vision is focused forward. This past year I created a new chapter by studying for my Ohio Health and Life Insurance License. (Did I pass? Read about it all here!)
The PCH Sweepstakes really let me become a brand new ME! And it can do the same for you, too — especially if you win the $5,000 a Week “Forever” Prize! (Can you believe that if you win, you’d receive $5,000 A Week for your life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose!) It’s a new year, and that could mean a new you, but first you have to enter the PCH Sweepstakes! Do it every chance you get!
Natalie Bostelman
2008 SuperPrize Winner
PCH Goodwill Ambassador
P.S. Remember, you can follow me on Twitter -@NatalieatPCH and you can ‘friend’ me on Facebook on my PCH profile, “Natalie Bostleman” . You can also follow Dave, Danielle and Todd as well! It’s the best way to stay informed about what’s going on prize wise.