New Year, New You!

Happy New Year, friends and fans!
Do you find the start of the new year as exciting as I do? I know, it’s really just another day, but at the same time, the first of January also undeniably comes with a brand-new energy that truly does motivate people to improve their lives! And that means there’s a brand-new energy that you can use to get in to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, GUARANTEED for award on February 28th!
It’s so important to start the new year with positive energy, because if you don’t believe your goals are possible — including winning a fortune from PCH — how are you going to give your all in trying to turn these dreams into reality?
YOU hold the keys to your future, because only you can change your life! If your goal for the new year is something mechanical like assembling a car or building a boat, YOU need to work on it every day (also, props, I do not have those skills)! If you want to lose weight, YOU have to stick to your diet (another skill I may lack)! If you want to see Hamilton, you best enter the Hamilton lottery every day!
And most importantly, if you want to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, YOU should get in to win every single shot you’ve got! And I bet you DO want to win the “Forever” Prize — $5,000.00 a week for the life of a winner, followed by those same weekly payments continuing on to a beneficiary of the winner’s choosing.
Motivation Is Essential!
It’s easy to start off strong on your New Year’s resolutions: look how many people go to the gym from January to March! I always say “this is the year I’m going to finish a novel,” and those first three months are always my most productive. It’s keeping the momentum going that’s a challenge, and sometimes, you just need inspiration.
A great place to find that inspiration is PCHSearch&Win! Like any search engine, all you have to do is type “inspiration” or “motivational quotes” or whatever other phrase you’d like into the search bar! Unlike most other search engines, you’ll also enter to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” with your first search of the day after you log in!
Between your search for motivation, entering to Win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” at, and the opportunity to win other prizes (like the multi-millionaire PowerPrize at PCHlotto), it shouldn’t be too hard to keep up your motivation at PCH! And I know YOU’VE got in you to take charge of your future and enter every day!
I feel like it’s going to be a great year! Do you? Let us know what you hope the year holds in the comments below!
Will F.
PCH Creative