Over 150,000 People Won Yesterday. Why Would You Give Up?

Okay, so the Big Check didn’t make it to your door this time around, although you entered multiple times and almost every day. I get it, you worked hard, and it’s disappointing. But you know what winners have in common? WINNERS DO NOT GIVE UP!
Besides the winner of the Big Check, over 150,000 people won prizes yesterday! Yes, I said 150,000! That’s a HUGE number of prizes. So, why would you give up now? Every entry gives you a chance to become a lucky winner. Plus, there’s always another SuperPrize around the corner. We give loads of smaller prizes away each and every day and give you so many ways to enter. So, it makes sense to just stay in it to win it!
Consistency and determination are key! All of our big winners kept at it until they won. They paid no attention to the naysayers and kept the faith that their winning day would come.
We make sure that there are plenty of prizes to win at PCH because we love our fans and we love when you win. Continue to do what you do! Search at PCHSearch&Win, have fun on PCHGames, check out PCHfrontpage to see what we have in store for you, stop by PCHlotto for a while, and stay updated on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. There are so many ways to enter and to be entertained at the same time … and they’re all free!
Think about it. What would your own life be like if you gave up easily? If I gave up easily, I wouldn’t be sitting at my desk here at Publishers Clearing House writing this blog! In order to secure this internship, I worked hard to build up my resume, went to every Career Fair held by my university, and applied, applied, applied until I received an internship. It may sound easy, but it takes a lot of time and energy. But, it only take a few minutes to enter to win a PCH prize … so get to it!
All this to say that you need to believe in you, because we believe in you!
I’d like to leave you with an inspirational quote:
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
Your Girl,
Tamara G.
Creative Intern
P.S. Don’t forget! Tell me in the comments below about a time when you didn’t give up and it really paid off!