PCH Agrees That Change Is Good — A $1 Million Every Year For Life Chunk Of Change!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Publishers Clearing House wants to know if you’ve noticed something’s changed? Yes, it’s gotten a little colder outside and it’s getting much darker earlier. But, have you noticed our SuperPrize on pch.com has changed to $1,OOO,OOO.OO Every Year For Life?!

Win $1 Million Every Year For Life!

It’s been said that change is good. And, winning a life-changing Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize of $1 Million Every Year For Life is an unbelievably stupendous chunk of change — figuratively and literally! Plus, when you enter for a chance to win the PCH $1,OOO,OOO.OO Every Year For Life sweepstakes, you also have the opportunity to win 4 other big-money prizes along with a chance to win $1O,OOO.OO instantly! Absolutely amazing! See, change really is good!

Of course, you didn’t actually think that was the only change Publishers Clearing House had for you — did you?! There’s more! Last week, we launched our brand-spanking new website, PCH Save&Win, where you can print coupons for all of your favorite grocery brands and receive online discounts from famous names like Nike, Holiday Inn, Walgreen’s, Canon, Kohl’s, Lowe’s and a whole lot more! Plus, during your entry process into the $1,OOO,OOO.OO Every Year For Life giveaway, make sure to opt-in to receive PCH Save&Win weekly email updates. Every email is filled with savings alerts, online discount opportunities and Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes announcements so you can save big and win millions! Sign-up now because next month, we’ll have some exclusive, big-money sweeps opportunities for you. Yes, it’s great to Save&Win! Meaning — more change in your pocket through more change from Publishers Clearing House — all good, of course!

So, get a move on and head on over to pch.com now! Enter to win the $1 Million Every Year For Life SuperPrize, opt-in to receive your pchsaveandwin.com email alerts and make sure to visit every single day because you can enter for a chance to win every single day! There will be a Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize winner on February 29th!

Remember to check our PCH blog posts every day, too, for all the latest and greatest information about all the change we have to offer you. We’ll be sure to have more updates about PCH Save&Win, too! While you’re at it, visit our Fan page on Facebook and say, “Hi!,” make a new friend or two, and learn about even more ways to enter to win Publishers Clearing House SuperPrizes!

Ah, yes, change is good!

Ellen S.
Creative Director, Interactive Development