PCH Answers: What Is A PCH Giveaway End Date?

At PCH, our Millionaire-Making Giveaways are always exciting! But, before the cameras can start rolling and an epic “Winning Moment” can take place, our PCH Giveaways must be set up by the Department of Contest with pertinent information, including the Giveaway End Date. What is a PCH Giveaway End Date, you might ask. I’m here to explain!
Simply put, a PCH Giveaway End Date is the last day when entries will be accepted for a Giveaway before it’s closed and the final drawing can take place. Our life-changing SuperPrize Giveaways last over a year, giving ample time for all our fans out there to submit their entries for inclusion in the winner selection process at the end of the Giveaway when the prize will be awarded.
But, since our Publishers Clearing House Officials just LOVE giving away prizes (seriously!) there is MORE to the story. And as you probably guessed, it involves MORE chances to win.
You may have gotten an email or a notice in the mail about a PCH Special Early Look event. That’s when PCH Officials decide to look for a SuperPrize winner before the Giveaway End Date is up, in the hopes of awarding the top prize even earlier than planned.
Here’s how it works: all the timely entered SuperPrize numbers during “Special Early Look” timeframes are eligible to win the SuperPrize. Once a winning number is randomly selected, our Contest Department checks to see if there’s a matching winning number among the timely returned entries. If there is, the entrant with the matching winning number wins the top prize for that event. But, if there’s not, there is often a Second Chance drawing to award an alternate prize amount. Why do we do this? Because it lets us award so many more prizes and make so many more dreams come true!
In fact, some of our most recent SuperPrize winners won through Second Chance drawings. Take Robb G. of Colorado, our August 31st SuperPrize winner. A second chance drawing gave Robb a second chance at life with $1 Million from PCH Giveaway No. 4900. In fact, Robb happens to be the FOURTH winner of $1 Million from PCH Giveaway No. 4900, thanks to PCH Second Chance drawings. Wow!
Winners From PCH Giveaway No. 4900 So Far:
2. Mark J.
3. Borris C.
4. Robb G.
5. ???
Dolgeville, NY
Oceanside, CA
Lakewood, CO
$1 Million
$1 Million
$1 Million
April 2015
June 2015
August 2015
Look at all those winners! Leave it to Publishers Clearing House to squeeze even more new PCH Millionaires into a single PCH Giveaway! And remember, PCH still guarantees to award a top prize amount promoted by the Giveaway End date. I hope this blog helped to answer the question: What is a PCH Giveaway End Date? Remember, keep entering at all your favorite PCH sites because the winning never ends!
Have a “Winning” Day!
Elaina R.
PCH Online Creative
P.S. Wondering what the Giveaway End Date is for Giveaway No. 4900? It’s February 26, 2016. But we’ll be taking a Special Early Look in October and December, so it’s very possible a big prize will be awarded before then!
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