Your PCH April Schedule: New Sweepstakes And More!

Spontaneity can be exciting, but do you ever feel like you just want a little routine to take the guesswork out of things? I know I do. Let’s face it – there’s a certain comfort in having an organized schedule that lets you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. That’s why I decided to put together a little PCH April schedule for you! We’ve got your back for new sweepstakes and more!
Read or Play Anytime, Any Day!
Now you can enter, read or play any time, any day … without worrying about forgetting something PCH-important! You can bookmark them, print them out and hang them on the fridge, or just keep them with you for quick reference. And of course, you can add to them as well. Did I miss something you want to flag? Pencil it in!
April Is Awesome At PCH!
We have a lot of awesome things going on in April – new sweepstakes and much more. In addition to daily blog posts, there are also some pretty unique offerings by some of your favorite PCH programs. For example, PCHSlots and PCHSearch&Win have really cool individual opportunities for you. Then other programs like PCHFrontpage and PCHlotto have exciting weekly promotions like TWO FOR TUESDAYS and POWERPRIZE WEDNESDAYS! So let’s take a look – week by week – and go over some of the highlights.
Week 1: Dave’s Drive Into Cash Sweepstakes!
On Thursday, April 6th, (that’s tomorrow) PCH will be looking for a winner of the DAVE’S DRIVE INTO CASH SWEEPSTAKES! That means someone could bring home a sweet $10,000 from Gwy. No. 9184! So if you haven’t already entered, I suggest you start looking through your Publishers Clearing House emails (in the P.S. section) and enter ASAP, certainly before the deadline posted in the official rules for that mailing!
Week 2: Win a Brand New Lincoln MKZ!
On Saturday, April 15th, PCHSearch&Win is offering a whopping 10X ENTRIES TO WIN A BRAND NEW LINCOLN MKZ VALUED AT $49,029. That is one sweet ride, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for that Search&Win email notification. And if you don’t currently receive PCHSearch&Win email notifications, we encourage you to sign up now!
Week 3: Gots to Play Slots for Cash!
On Thursday, April 20th, PCHSlots is having a special event. Not just one but FIVE TOP TOURNAMENT WINNERS WILL BANK $100! Isn’t that cool? So get your game face on and “spin” like the wind!
Week 4: Top Scorer Gets Cash – PLUS – Score a SuperPrize!
I guess you could say that April is going out with a bang, because there’s a lot going on in Week 4! Tuesday, April 25th is the LAST DAY TO ENTER to win a $7,000 A Week For Life SuperPrize from Gwy. No. 8800. Once the clock strikes midnight (actually 11:59 PM, ET), the polls will be closed, so make sure to enter prior to the deadline. Then on Friday the 28th, PCH will be looking for that SUPERPRIZE WINNER – will it be you banking those bucks? Wishing everyone out there the best of luck! Also that day, PCHBlackjack will be awarding their top scorer DOUBLE THE PRIZE MONEY! Goodbye $100 tournament prize, hello $200! So make sure to get in on that 21 action!
Aren’t those schedules handy? As you can see, PCH just has so many fun ways to stay informed, Win BIG MONEY, and just plain ole’ have a ball! So what do you think? How is April at PCH looking to you? Does anything on tap hit the spot for you? Tell me, what’s your favorite way to enjoy a PCH day? Please be sure to reply in the comments below – it’s important. We want to know what you love most so we can make sure to keep your favorites comin’!
OK, so we all know what we need to do and when we need to do it. I’d say mark your calendars, but you don’t have to! I’ve already taken care of that for you. Ha! Have a great PCH day – and an even better PCH month – and I’ll see you next time!
Tina P.
Online Creative