PCH Big Check Asks: Who Wants Their Name On A PCH Pay Day Check?

Hey Blog Readers,
It’s me, your pal Lucky, the PCH Big Check and I’m so excited because not only am I here getting ready to deliver another incredible $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize, but I am also officially in charge of hand-selecting the Deputy Checks that get to go out on Prize Day and surprise our winners!
Ooh, this is such a big job, my zeros are shaking with excitement! As you can see in my picture, I’ve already picked a few candidates, but on PCH Pay Day, there are going to be OVER 150,000 WINNERS! Yes, you read that right – I have to deputize OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND checks before our February 28th Prize Award! And then, we have to get them ready, fill their signature lines and, of course, put all the winners’ names on them!
Do You Want To See Your Name On A Deputy Check?
I promise, I’m doing my best to make sure we get the best deputies for the job. I check to make sure that their zeros are rounded, their corners are squared and their seals are polished before they can even be considered. But it’s not just about appearance, you know. A PCH “Big Check” has to have the ability to change on a dimeand go with the cash flowin order to get the job done right!
And speaking of getting things done right, now is the RIGHT TIME to enter to win one of our many PCH Pay Day Prizes because we’ve got something special going on to celebrate PCH Pay Day you don’t want to miss!
You see, the Prize I’m wearing on February 28th is the $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize that pays out as $5,000.00 A Week For Life for a winner, plus after that, payments continue for a chosen loved one. But you know that’s not all we’re giving away on Pay Day, and right now at PCH.com, we’re giving out BONUS ENTRIES to win the “FOREVER” Prize PLUS a chance to Win $20,000.00 in Exclusive Pay Day Prizes!
You can claim your entries all across the PCH network – at PCH.com and in the PCH app for Android, plus at PCHslots and PCHgames, PCHlotto, PCHkeno and in our emails – and any one of those entries could have you hugging me, or one of my deputy checks, in no time!
So please, hurry and get your PCH Pay Day entries in before the 2/25/19 deadline! I’ve got to go interview and train more deputies, so bye for now and good luck!
I could be seeing you soon!
Lucky Windfall
PCH Big Check
P.S. While being a deputy may look like fun, it is serious business. All of our deputy checks go through a rigorous training program including money-bag lifts, vault climbs and safe pulls to make sure they are ready for anything on Pay Day. Please give them a shout-out in the comments section to encourage them to keep up the good work.