PCH Big Check Is Excited About PCH Pay Day – Are You?

Hey Blog Readers,
It’s me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check, here with BIG NEWS about tomorrow’s Prize Award!
You see, not only am I LESS THAN 24 HOURS away from wrapping my corners around our new Win It All Prize Winner and getting that first hug I’ve been looking forward to for so long, BUT it’s also our very first ever PCH Pay Day! Have you heard about this?!?
Ooh, my zeros shake like crazy when I think about it because there are going to be OVER 65,000 WINNERS all across the country including Event Exclusive Prize Winners of TEN $1,000.00 Prizes and one $10,000.00 Prize!
Do You Want To Win Big PCH Pay Day Prizes Like $1,000.00 … $10,000.00 … Or $1 Million Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life? Let me know below!
Now, you may think a Publishers Clearing House Big Check like me who’s been around the bank a few times wouldn’t get that excited about PCH Pay Day, but it’s really so incredible because now I get to deliver the Win It All Prize of $1,000,000.00 Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life Plus A New Car, AND a lot of my friends get to go out on the road, too! Like Chet Checkerson, who’s always said he wanted to get out of the vault and see the pockets of the country that really care about the value of a dollar … and Benny Frankwin, who hops around from cash register to cash register always looking for a place to call home … now they can finally let their zeros fly and get out and see the world!
Don’t my friends look great dressed in their best borders as they get ready to surprise so many winners on PCH Pay Day? I’m so happy for them!
Would You Welcome My Friends On PCH Pay Day If One Of Them Shows Up At Your House?
They may not be wearing all the PCH Big Check zeros I am, but I do hope that, if you see one of my buddies at your door, you won’t turn them away! Each and every one of them has been looking forward to PCH Pay Day for so long and I can guarantee their paylines are just as excited to see our winners as mine is! Oh, and speaking of paylines, mine won’t stop curling because I’ve got EVEN MORE BIG NEWS… Now please, sit down and hold on to your seal or it might drop to the floor like my Mama’s did when I tell you that…
I’m going to be making an appearance on the special PCH PAY DAY Facebook Live Show tomorrow!
That’s right – your boy, Lucky, is going to be videotaped LIVE during the big winning moment! I’m so nervous… what if my zeros fall off?!? What if my border comes uncurled?!? There’s no time for touch- ups – no way to press my corners or straighten my payline… it’s all LIVE… all for the world to see! So, please watch and cheer me on at 2 PM, ET! And let me know below if you’d be happy to see me — or one of Over 65,000 of my closest friends — tomorrow, on PCH Pay Day!
Good Luck,
Lucky Windfall
PCH Big Check
P.S. Would you be ready for your close-up if I showed up at your door wearing $1,000,000.00 Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life when we record our LIVE show on Facebook tomorrow?!? Let me know below!