PCH Big Check Reveals His Favorite Type Of Winner!

Hey, Blog Readers,
It’s me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check.
My zeros are bouncing with excitement today… can you guess why?
It’s all because, later on this month, PCH is doing a Special Early Look for a $7,000.00 A Week For Life Winner!
Can you believe it’s happening so soon?!? And, the best part is, even if there is no matching winning number, we’ll still be awarding $1 Million!
Ooh, the sides of my payline curl up into a smile every time I think about it – because it means I get to meet a brand new Publishers Clearing House Winner! And that’s my favorite part of the job!
Our winners are just SO amazing – I absolutely love them all – but, the truth is, I hold a special place in my heart for winners that seem as excited to Win as I am to be at their house showing off the Big Prize…
My FAVORITE type of winner is one that jumps up and down, screams really loud and, most importantly, hugs me tight!
I know, I know…I look long and lean and if you saw me in a dark vault you wouldn’t want to bend me the wrong way, but it’s all because I’ve been trying to get fit (link to blog: https://blog.pch.com/blog/2014/11/04/the-pch-big-check-beefs-up-to-carry-double-the-cash/) for the big day! The truth is I’m as STRONG as a bank vault door, but inside, I’m as sensitive as an old-time war bond! I love being hugged! I love being danced with! I love how my zeros shake when winners jump up and down with excitement!
I want a winner who will smile bright and hug me tight until I feel like my zeros will burst!
So, tell me, if you saw my shiny seal and strong corners strutting up to your door on April 28th, would you be that type of winner? Could you find the energy to pose for pictures with me, show me off to your friends and family and scream about how excited you are? Would you be able to hug me tight… dance with me and put me somewhere nice?
Please, Blog Readers, let me know below if you’d be excited to see me, Lucky, the PCH Big Check at your door – and what kind of reaction you would have! Would YOU be my favorite type of winner? Oh, I can’t wait to hear all about it!
But for now, I’ve gotta go get my border curled to get ready for Prize Day! Keep entering and I could be seeing you soon!
Good Luck,
Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check
P. S. As promised, here are the answers to yesterday’s Fun Facts Quiz on the blog! How many did you get right?
1. Theodore Roosevelt
2. James Buchanan
3. Martin Van Buren
4. Ronald Reagan
5. Thomas Jefferson
6. Abraham Lincoln
BONUS: None!