PCH Blog Insider: A Day in the Life of Debbie K.

Last Updated: May 14, 2018

Greetings, fans and friends!

Because our PCH Blog readers really love to hear about what goes on behind the scenes at PCH, we’re starting a new series called “A Day in the Life of …” and since I suggested the idea at our weekly blog meeting, I get to go first!

So, here’s what happened to me on Tuesday, May 8, 2018!

6:26 AM: My alarm goes off. I stay in bed until 6:30. Also, 6-26 is my birthday, so I like those numbers. My husband has already left for work. My daughter who lives at home is getting ready to go to work. My other daughter who goes to college in New York City (and who was on the PCH Blog in 2016 is on her way to the Theatre District. She wants to take me out to a Broadway show tonight. We don’t know what we are going to see yet because she will be waiting in line outside box offices to see if there are tickets available.

6:45 AM: I eat a bagel with butter and coffee for breakfast while I watch the news on TV.

7:45 AM: Here is what I will be wearing today:

8:25 AM: Since I will be taking the train into Manhattan tonight instead of driving, my colleague Jack picks me up to take me to work. Jack lives in the next town, so it’s not a problem.

8:50 AM: We arrive at PCH Headquarters. I asked Jack to take the picture you see at the top of this page, so you know I’m really at PCH!

9:05 AM: I go to Carol’s desk. She is an art director. We discuss how to design a flyer for a new contest idea we’re testing. I’ve written the words, but we have to figure out what the piece should look like! You see, PCH is constantly coming up with new and exciting concepts which we like to test before we roll them out to the general public, so we can see what our friends and fans like … and what they don’t like.

9:39 AM: I need to look at proofs of product flyers that will be going into a mailing. The proofreader’s eagle eyes have spotted some errors, and I have to go on the computer and fix them. No one’s perfect, right? But first, I need more coffee!

10:08 AM: My daughter texts me and asks me to call. She’s gotten tickets to Come from Away, a show I have been wanting to see for a long time! This is excellent news!

11:06 AM: I read the blog that Matt K. has sent me. As one of the blog editors, along with Jane M., I review the blogs and make sure everything is good to go before they are posted.

12 Noon-ish: Carol has come up with a great idea for the new contest flyer. But first we will need to show our flyer concept to David, the Creative Director, to see if he likes it.

12:41 PM: I begin to gather information relating to another test mailing I am working on with Carol. This would be a brand-new concept, something that’s never been done before. One of the things I enjoy most about working at PCH is coming up with new concepts, whether it is for our colorful Bulletins or for the PCH Blog.

1:29 PM: I’m going to the cafeteria for lunch. Do not laugh at my lunch! I have leftover perogies with onion and sour cream, mushroom barley soup that my husband made, and an orange for dessert. I join my “lunch ladies” and we reminisce about people who worked here 25 years ago.

2:42 PM: Just came back from meeting with David, and Carol and I have to rethink our concept! In the meantime, I’m going to look at a blog that Joe W. sent me.

3:00 PM: I am in a Photo Roughs meeting. This is a meeting where an art director sketches rough drawings of what our PCH product ads should look like when they are photographed. I especially like these meetings because I can look at and touch the merchandise we sell. From the photo I posted, you’ll see that we will be offering a Southwestern-style poncho, fall-themed decorations and toy cars, among other great items. I can’t wait to write about them!

4:00 PM: I go to a Team Review meeting. This is a meeting where Product Promotion, Marketing and other departments (the “Team”) review a Bulletin. I make the necessary corrections noted at the meeting. Soon the Bulletin will go to the printer to be delivered to homes across America.

5:00 PM: I am on the PCH van that shuttles employees to the Hicksville station of the Long Island Rail Road. I get on the 5:29 train bound for Manhattan. When I get off, I make my way through Pennsylvania Station, and then walk 12 blocks up Eighth Avenue to meet my daughter in front of the theatre on West 45th Street.

7:00 PM: The show Come From Away begins. This is the true story of what happened when 38 planes were ordered to land unexpectedly in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada after the September 11 attacks – and how the gracious residents housed and fed 7,000 stranded travelers from all over the world. It was a heartwarming, uplifting show and I loved it! After the show, my daughter and I went to the stage door to talk to the actors and get autographs.

9:30 PM: My daughter and I have dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant. Delicious!

10:35 PM: I am on the Long Island Rail Road, going home. I walk into my house at about 10 minutes before midnight, and I’m in bed at around 12:30 in the morning.

What a fabulous day I had!

Well, I hope you liked this little glimpse into the Day in the Life of Debbie K. (and by the way, every day is not this exciting)! Watch for more stories like this on the PCH Blog – I hear that Howie from the PCH Prize Patrol has one coming up next week!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. What did YOU today? Anything interesting? We want to know what goes on in YOUR lives! Tell us in the comments below!