PCH Blog Reader Spotlight: Rhonda G. Will Never Give Up!

Last Updated: October 27, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends,

Last month I introduced a brand-new PCH Blog feature … our PCH Blog Reader Spotlight!

Our fans and friends love to read and comment on our daily PCH Blog (which you’re reading right now), our PCHSearch&Win Blog and our PCHPlay&Win Blog. And one of those loyal fans is Rhonda G. of Jackson, Mississippi!


This inspirational friend of PCH with one amazing smile enjoys the PCH Blog – in her own words, she loves “reading all the winning stories and seeing all the people whose lives are changed forever because they kept the faith.”

Rhonda continues, “The Blog also gives me the opportunity to share my heart and thoughts with fellow entrants, who are just like me, as we journey together in hopes to change our lives as well.”

“I like to read blog posts that inspire GREATNESS,” she says. “The kind of posts that remind me to never give up and never quit. These are the blog posts that speak to the winner in me and make me reach beyond the impossible.”

By commenting on the Blog, Rhonda hopes that readers will feel the same inspiration, excitement, and motivation that she feels. She tells me her hope is to inspire everyone to remain committed to the process of winning.

“I have been entering for over 6 years and have had numerous wins with smaller checks, gift cards, and movie tickets, and I will never give up,” she says. “There is a quote that keeps me going and it reads like this:  ‘Success leave clues, and so does God’. The key is to keep a positive outlook and stay faithful because I know that a small win can lead to a big win.”

Rhonda makes it a daily routine to enter the PCH Sweeps through PCHSearch&Win, the Play and Win App , PCH Lotto, the PCH App and PCH.com (link). She starts her day by searching on PCHSearch&Win, and then heads over to the games tab on pch.com for the fun games and entries. Her favorite PCH games are PCH Moneybaggz and Token Toss.

Rhonda’s advice to all of you fans and friends is to stay in it to win it. “I enter every day, as this is the most amazing opportunity to change my life forever,” she adds.

Thank you, Rhonda, for being a loyal PCH Blog reader, and a super-duper PCH fan and friend who, when it comes to the PCH Sweeps, will never give up!

Do you enjoy reading the PCH Blog? What kinds of blogs do you like best? Comment below, and who knows? You could be in the “PCH Blog Reader Spotlight” someday, too!

Happy Blog Reading!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. Rhonda starts her day with PCHSearch&Win – and on today’s Search&Win Blog, Matt K. will give you some “tricks” on how to search for creative Halloween ideas while going for some “treats” in the form of instant prizes!