PCH Donates $200,000 To St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®!

Last Updated: November 14, 2014

The 2014 PCH Giveback has officially ended, and it was a huge success! With the help of all of you, we were able to make an amazing donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases, and we were thrilled to have them be the focus of The Giveback this year!
PCH Giveback donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Monday morning was a very special day for us at PCH because the Prize Patrol traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to visit St. Jude. Dave, Todd, and Danielle were greeted by the St. Jude staff and then presented not one, but TWO big checks to St. Jude! We presented them with a check for $150,000 from the PCH Giveback, plus an extra surprise of another $50,000 donation on top of that!

PCH Prize Patrol with St. Jude

Check out the video below to see the donation!


After presentation of the checks, St. Jude took the members of the Prize Patrol on a tour of the hospital. Although it is a hospital, St. Jude works hard to make every room and every detail warm and inviting for a child. The waiting rooms are decorated to look like you’re sitting in a park, the walls are covered with children’s artwork, and the best part for parents… you never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food – so they can focus on what matters most, helping their child live!

St. Jude artwork

The Prize Patrol also got to visit a St. Jude research lab and meet with one of the scientists. When Danny Thomas started St. Jude, the overall survival rate for a child with cancer was 20 percent. Now, with the hard work of St. Jude researchers, the survival rate is 80 percent (and St. Jude has set a goal of increasing the overall childhood cancer survival rate to 90 percent in the next decade!).

It was such an incredible day and we have YOU, our fans, to thank for it. Thank you so much for participating in The Giveback and helping our $100,000 guaranteed donation grow. We are honored to help such an amazing organization, and we couldn’t have done it without you!


Cara F.
PCH Social Media Manager


P.S. Don’t forget … there are only 4 days left to enter to win $10,000 a Week for Life in our Special Early Look Prize Event! Now, think of all the memories you could make if you won a prize like that!!!
