PCH Employees Help Save Lives With Our November Blood Drive!

Last Updated: November 15, 2013

PCH Blood Logo

Dear Friends:

On Tuesday, almost 90 caring PCHers rolled up their sleeves for our third blood drive this year, bringing our calendar year total to over 240 pints!

Anthony V and Bill M
Anthony V. and Bill M. taking a break after their donation.

We were gratified to learn that over 700 people will be helped by the blood collected at Publishers Clearing House in 2013.

As you know, PCH has a 60-year history of making folks happy with our huge sweepstakes prizes – and also with our tradition of “giving back” to our community.

I’m glad that PCH gives me a convenient way to donate blood – and the supremely organized staff of Long Island Blood Services makes it even easier – having the whole process down to a science!

I took a few minutes to talk to PCHers who were donating blood – and get their thoughts on why they were doing it. I first caught up with our tireless “veteran” Team Captain (and Boy Scouts of America Scout Master!), Bryan T.

Bryan T
Bryan said, “The Boy Scout motto is ‘do a good deed daily’!
Just one donation has the potential to save three lives.”

Wow! Taking just 30-45 minutes out of your day can do that!  I then chatted with Joe Q., who said that he was thinking of family and friends (safe, thank God!) in the Philippines, which has been devastated by Typhoon Haiyan.

Joe Q
Joe Q. commented, “I’m trying to think ‘globally’. I can’t be in the Philippines to donate blood… but I can here, where there is also a critical need.”

Good for you, Joe!  His thoughts mirror our tradition of donating generously to victims of natural disasters, including Hurricane Sandy, which hammered the east coast only last year.

Rob B
Donation Team Captain Rob B. said, “Donating blood is an easy way to help save lives.”

Well said, Rob! I then caught up with Christine M., a hard-working PCHer and Mom to two adorable girls.  What was Christine’s motivation for donating blood?

Christine M
“I’m trying to set an example for my children,” said Christine.
“It’s important that they learn a tradition of giving.”

Bravo, Christine! It’s gratifying to know that the PCH employees I’ve worked with every day for years share such a wonderful, giving spirit!

Do you know that someone in the U.S.A. needs a life-saving blood transfusion every 3 seconds?  So how about it, my PCH pals? Log on to PCHSearch&Win to find the blood center near you and join the team!

Now we’re asking YOU to inspire US!  If you have any suggestions for signing up even MORE donors in our next PCH Blood Drive, please add a note to the comments section below.

Thanking you in advance for your thoughts,

Marybeth H.
PCH Creative