PCH Gives Back All Throughout 2016!

Greetings, fans and friends!
PCH is all about winning and giving away awesome prizes – everyone knows that! But PCH also gives back all throughout the year to those in need! It’s a company tradition established by PCH’s founders, Harold and LuEsther Mertz, over 60 years ago. This year, the PCH family has been honored to give back in a variety of ways, and here are just some of them:
PCH Gives Back to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®
PCH is proud to have donated a total of over $600,000 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® since 2012. In 2016, PCH guaranteed a $100,000 donation, and with the help of our fans on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, raised more by asking fans to visit the PCH Fan Page on Facebook to share special PCH Giveback “video cards” with friends and family. With each share, PCH increased its donation by another $1.00 – resulting in a $150,000 donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. On November 4, 2016, PCH Prize Patrol members delivered two Big Checks (one for $100,000.00 and the other for $50,000.00) in person to the hospital. A giant thank-you card, signed by PCH employees, was also delivered.
PCH Gives Back through Volunteer Efforts
Among PCH’s many volunteer efforts in 2016 we are proud to include this special activity: For the September 12 National Day of Service & Remembrance, PCH teamed up with the Long Island Volunteer Center and 13 PCHers assembled comfort kits, with toiletries donated by PCH, for 140 homeless veterans. The activity was held at the Nassau County Fire Fighters Museum where participants also had the opportunity to pay respect to the Long Island fire fighters who are memorialized on the museum’s Celebration of Heroes wall.
PCH Gives Back at the Mary Brennan INN
Beginning in October, PCH has arranged a monthly opportunity for its employees to use their Voluntary-Day-Off to serve lunch at The INNs (Interfaith Nutrition Network) Mary Brennan soup kitchen in Hempstead, Long Island. PCHers immediately filled all 13 monthly volunteer slots for the remainder of the year and we will continue through 2017.
PCH Gives Back through Donations and Drives
With PCH’s philanthropic roots in mind, we’re proud to highlight the charitable donations from our excess inventory of PCH products that were initiated this year…
- The first volunteer date at the INN’s Mary Brennan Soup Kitchen was special, as PCHers distributed much of two tractor trailers (90 pallets) loaded with basic comfort items from our excess inventory – pillows, towels, bedding and a variety of kitchenware. The INN addresses the issues of hunger and homelessness through a network of 14 soup kitchens and 21 housing units on Long Island.
- We have also donated more than 56,000 lbs. of mixed nuts, chocolates and other goodies to the Salvation Army in St. Cloud MN, nearby our merchandise distribution center.
- In November, we donated 13 pallets of winter comfort items – 1,400 sets of gloves, mittens and scarves; and over 30,000 pairs of socks – to three Veterans’ Administration organizations on Long Island, to The INN, and to the St. Cloud, MN Salvation Army.
- On Giving Tuesday – a national day of giving back that kicks off the charitable season on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, over 100 PCHers wrapped over 2,000 toys that will be distributed by Rock and Wrap It Up to families from local soup kitchens and shelters.
- All totaled, PCH has donated nearly 40,000 items, positively touching thousands of members of our community who are facing hardships.
And that, fans and friends, is just the start! I haven’t even mentioned the blood drives, the used cell phone drive to benefit “Cell Phones for Soldiers,” our donation of 17 boxes of books toward the “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island Book Challenge,” or the charity events held at our other locations in Boston and Portland, ME!
As you can see, the spirit of giving is alive and well here at PCH, and without a doubt, PCH gives back with all its heart and soul. Since we know you PCH fans are as invested in giving as we are, we look forward to continuing the tradition in 2017.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative