PCH Initials Contest: Your Initials Could Win You $100 Cash!

Last Updated: June 16, 2015

Hey Everyone,

Did you know someone with your set of initials is definitely going to win CASH? That’s right!

We are authorized to announce a winner of $100 with the same set of initials as your first and last name. How cool is that?

In the PCH Initials Contest (Giveaway No. 2231), prizes of $100 will be awarded via random drawing from among eligible entrants with a set of initials that match each of the 676 unique combinations of two letters in the alphabet. Prizes for unique initial combinations without a winner will be awarded at random from among all eligible entrants at Giveaway end.

For instance, my initials are M.S. If I entered on time (and if I didn’t work here), I would have an opportunity to win $100 CASH along with the rest of the entrants whose initials are M.S.

But I’m sure you’re wondering… just how much money does Publishers Clearing House actually award in the Initials Contest?

Let’s find out!

Step #1:  Take the amount of the award = $100 Cash!

Step #2:  Then multiply that $100 by the 676 unique combinations of two letters in the alphabet.

Friends, if my calculations are correct that adds up to 67,600.00. Do you know what that means?

                There’s a total of $67,600.00 in Cash Prizes that are up for grabs!

                WOW! This sounds so EXCITING! Check this out…

I went ahead and whipped up a fun, little quiz for you dedicated PCH blog readers!

It’s time for the first edition of the PCH Prize Patrol Match Game!

Can YOU match the faces on the left with the initials on the right?

PCH Initials Contest Match Game

If you can figure out whose set of initials belong to each face, you can call yourself a true PCH fan.

Be sure to post your answers in the comment section below. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with.

Good Luck!

Matt S.
PCH Creative