PCH Is a Brand You Can Trust!

Greetings, fans and friends,
Whether it’s tissues or toothpaste, household appliances or electronics, I’m sure there are certain brands you trust. I know that my husband will only use a certain type of soap, which has been a trusted brand for decades. I prefer a certain department store because I trust that it will have what I’m looking for, at really great prices.
Likewise, PCH is a brand that our fans and friends have trusted for over 60 years! In fact, PCH’s Better Business Bureau rating has been held at “A+” since we received accreditation in 2015, reinforcing the integrity of our brand.
PCH also ensures that it remains a trusted brand by:
- Having our own specially trained anti-scam representatives and anti-scam database to assist consumers
- Establishing an aggressive phone “take-down” program through the United States Postal Inspection Service, to help get rid of PCH impostor scams
- Targeting scam artists through the National Public/Private Fake Check Task Force
In addition, here at PCH, we are constantly providing consumer education – whether it is right here on the blog, on the PCH website, or on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. And, if you feel that you have been the victim of a scammer, you can always fill out our online Scam Incident Report.
Good Luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
PS Would winning be your Christmas miracle? Come back to the blog this afternoon and be inspired by Jane’s words of hope!