PCH Is the Real Deal! Check Out These REAL PCH Winners!

Last Updated: March 4, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends,

Do you love watching folks win BIG in the Publishers Clearing House sweeps as much as I do?

Honestly, knowing that real people win the PCH sweeps gives my job here as a writer meaning. Realizing that, in the blink of an eye, someone’s luck could turn around because they’ve won a prize from PCH is just incredible!

And it isn’t just the people you see in our “Winning Moments” videos that win prizes from Publishers Clearing House. To date, PCH has given away over $256 million dollars – and a lot of it has been in smaller prizes, like the kind we give away during our PCHSearch&Win Prizefest or the checks we award to the winners of our awesome free-to-play games!

So, to show you that PCH is the “real deal” (a phrase we see on our blog comments from you all the time) – with real people winning real prizes – I’d like to feature 3 happy winners of smaller PCH prizes.

Kim F., a recent winner of $10, started entering the PCH Sweeps years ago, through the mail. She says she enters every day on any site she can! She searches the Internet using PCHSearch&Win, and she uses PCHfrontpage every day to check local news and weather. She also enjoys PCHlotto, as well as playing PCHBlackjack.

Real PCH winners

“I feel relieved and happy about winning,” says Kim. “My family gave me a hard time about it until I received my check.” Kim used her $10 check toward buying groceries. She believes that she could be on a “winning streak” and will someday win BIG! “I am a stroke survivor and yes, I know I will, I have always had intuition.” She says she’d feel a sense of gratitude if the Prize Patrol ever handed her the Big Check … but after receiving her smaller check, she has this advice for all our fans and friends:

“PCH is real… I have fun playing and a check to prove it!!!”

Toya L. is another lucky PCH winner. Toya enters every day on PCH.com. She was surprised when she won her prize, and she used the money toward gas to drive to work. Like Kim, Toya believes she is on a winning streak and feels that one day she will win BIG! Toya’s advice to all of you out there who may not think that PCH is the real deal …

“Play PCH games and you will see PCH is for real. They can change your life!”

Finally, Marianne C., who has been featured on the blog before, recently commented that she, too, knows that PCH is for real and she believes she might someday win BIG:

“All I can say is I know is for real!!! I’ve received smaller winnings from PCH in the past – that makes me a winner! That’s my motivation and inspiration! It WILL happen someday!”

PCH Real Winners

So, do you think that PCH is the “real deal”? Comment below! And if YOU have won a prize from us lately – tell us about it! Maybe we’ll feature your Winning Moment in a future blog!

Stay real,

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

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