PCH winners are VERY thankful today — and we’re thankful for YOU!

Last Updated: November 22, 2016


It’s Thanksgiving Day – almost the year’s end
And we’re especially grateful to YOU, my dear friends.
You go for our prizes ’cause you KNOW you can WIN
Best wishes to YOU and your kith and your kin.

Now let’s look at some folks who really are grateful,
When it comes to good luck, boy, did they get a plateful!
They entered and entered our Sweeps the year through
Till they WON – let me introduce them to you

On Mike Shields’ list of “thank you’s” is the One Million Bucks
That he won – WITH a new car – talk about luck!


And Jane Bjork is thankful she kept entering our Sweeps
Till she finally “struck gold” – $1,000,000 for keeps!


Ryan Hart put his months of job-hunting aside,
A “Forever” Prize Winner, he’s beaming with pride!



Laurie Aragon kept the faith and a positive attitude
Then she won her “Big Check” – and she’s all about gratitude!


Tamar Howard is another “Forever” Prize Winner …
She’ll be saying a “Thank You” at Thanksgiving dinner!


So what about YOU, my Blog-reading pals?
Don’t YOU want to win like these guys and these gals?
There are SO many ways to enter to WIN,
Missing out on these chances is almost a sin!

Come to PCHgames, use Search&Win for Web quests,
Get the scoop on Frontpage … and may I suggest
Our PCH Fan Page, Surveys  and TV –
Every entry is fast and it’s fun and it’s FREE!

Most of all, we wish you good health, luck and good cheer
As you gather with loved ones on this day of the year.
You’re a blessing to us – and our fond hope for YOU?
That you’ll WIN at the Clearing House, where dreams still come true!


