The PCHlotto PowerPrize Has Soared to New Heights…Over $4.8 Million!

Hey there, friends!
You’re in for some exciting news about the POWERPRIZE at PCHlotto!
As you may know, yesterday was the final day you could enter to win the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize, guaranteed to be awarded just days from now! You may even be tempted to sit back and take it easy while you wait to see if the Prize Patrol shows up at your door on February 23rd!
But that would be a BIG mistake! Why?
The PowerPrize Jackpot at PCHlotto is the BIGGEST it’s ever been…right now, it’s $4,869,791.66!
When I first read that number, all I could say was, “Awesome, wow!” Even after being a part of the PCH family for years, I’m still amazed at the incredible prizes up for grabs!
How Much Money Is $4,869,791.66, Really?
Let’s do some quick math: $4,869,791.66 is equal to…
–OVER 18 YEARS of $5,000.00 A Week For Life payments!
-Almost 20 AMERICAN HOMES, according the National Association of Realtors® most recent median home price!
–87 FORD EXPLORER PLATINUMS, enough for you and your whole family to get one (unless your family is as big as mine, in which case, some people might be out of luck)!
–1,623 Center Orchestra Seats to Hamilton on a Saturday night, marked up and resold on the Internet! (Maybe there are some better uses than this…)
But what’s even more amazing then the size of that prize?
That you could win it TONIGHT!
There’s A PowerPrize Drawing at PCHlotto Every Week!
If you’re a regular over at PCHlotto, you’ll already know this, but every Wednesday night, we look to award the multi-millionaire PowerPrize!
You can get numbers on each week’s PowerPrize Drawing File the Thursday after the drawing until the following Wednesday. You can even have more than one set of numbers, so it’s important you play your Lotto cards every day.
That’s right, by playing every day, you can have SEVEN shots at winning the PowerPrize.
And what happens if we don’t have a PowerPrize winner? The prize amount gets EVEN BIGGER!
And one last thing…
We Are GUARANTEED to Award the PowerPrize Very Soon!
This is why it’s especially important that you play your Lotto cards now. If there isn’t a winner of tonight’s drawing, someone will definitely win the PowerPrize at its next amount…
Get in the habit of playing your cards now and visit PCHlotto today!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: If you won over $4.8 Million from the PowerPrize, what would YOU spend it on? Let us know in the comments below!