PCH’s Earth Day Activities … Indoors and Outdoors!

Greetings, fans and friends,
If you’ve been following the PCHblog, you know that PCH is committed to being a good corporate citizen, and our aim is to “go green” all throughout the year!
On April 21st, PCHers celebrated Earth Day by donating books and magazines, as well as travel-size toiletries and cleaning supplies, to various charities … inviting the local electric utility to provide energy saving tips and tools … and inviting three organizations – the Adirondack Mountain Club, the Sierra Club and the Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference – to provide resources on how we can get outside and appreciate Mother Earth.

PCH also gave employees a Voluntary Time Off opportunity to work with the Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference, helping to maintain a local trail – an activity that I was eager to participate in!

While PCH provided us with rubber gloves and pruners, the trail maintainer from the Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference provided us with the “big guns” – a jumbo pruner, giant lopper and a HUGE tree saw. Our mission: to clear the trail of any overgrowth that might get in the way of hikers and bikers, and to get rid of invasive plant species, like poison ivy vines that wrap around trees.

Our territory: a 3-mile stretch of the Nassau-Suffolk Trail, a 20-mile National Recreation Trail linking the flat South Shore with the hilly North Shore of Long Island. Our guide not only led us in our trail maintenance efforts, but also explained about trail markings (or “blazes”) and pointed out plants like wild blueberries, huckleberries and wild mustard (which smelled just like the yellow stuff in the jar)! I was not aware that nature’s beauty (and bounty) existed so close to home!

What a wonderful way to spend Earth Day – getting out into the woods and enjoying fresh air and exercise – and of course, doing a good deed!
At PCH, we love to volunteer to help whenever and wherever we can!
Both indoors and outdoors, PCHers enjoyed an informative and productive Earth Day, and learned how much fun it can be to “go green”!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Do you enjoy the Great Outdoors? Why not use PCHSearch&Win to find a park or trail near you? With your first search of the day, after logging on, you’ll be entered to win the life-changing PCH SuperPrize!