PCHSearch&Win Search Suggestions

Greetings, fans and friends,
When I read your blog comments, I occasionally see comments about how to use PCHSearch&Win – what to search for, how to search, what words to use to search, etc.
But first, for those not in the know, let me give you a brief description of what PCHSearch&Win is – just in case you haven’t stumbled upon this fun, informative and easy way to enter to win PCH prizes!
For 10 years now, PCHSearch&Win has been both an incredible search engine and a great place to go if you want to win cash. With your first search of the day (after you log on) you’ll gain entry into the life-changing PCH SuperPrize. Plus, every time you search, you could get in to win instant cash, gift cards, token windfalls and more.
So, now that you know what PCHSearch&Win is, here’s my advice to you: When you search, be specific! You’ll get better search results if you search using a phrase rather than just one word.
For example, this afternoon I wanted to go to lunch with my PCH friends. We’re always looking for new restaurants to visit, so I went to PCHSearch&Win to find a good place to eat.
I typed the words “Chinese food” in the search bar …
But my results, as you can see, were not that great:
I didn’t want a book about “the food of China” … I was hungry for some Chinese food! So, I typed something more specific into the search bar:
Of course, after all this, we ended up going out for Japanese food – but my point is, be specific when you search!
- Don’t just search for “weather” … search for “10-day weather forecast for Miami, Florida”.
- Don’t just search for “dinner ideas” … search for “dinner recipes using potato chips”.
- Don’t just search for “yellow sweater” … search for “lemon yellow crewneck sweater”.
- Don’t just search for “bugs” … search for “What is a natural way to get rid of silverfish?”
- Don’t just search for “PCH” … search for “Are PCH winners real?”
The more specific you are, the better your search results will be. Don’t just type in a phrase into the PCHSearch&Win search bar … type in a descriptive phrase!
Remember, with your first search of the day after logging on, you’ll be entered into the PCH SuperPrize – which is now our $7,000.00 A Week For Life prize event. So, don’t delay … search today … and good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
PS Come back to the blog this afternoon to check out Tina’s calendar listing all the great PCH sweepstakes to enter in November!