Last Updated: September 3, 2014

PCH Prize Patrol surprises Texas Winner

Every summer I urge you PCH Blog readers to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, even if you are afraid you might be away if and when the Prize Patrol comes to call.

In recent months we have arrived at some winners’ doors and found no one home.  Not to worry.  The Big Checks were delivered within two or three hours – either when the winners came home or when we surprised them at a workplace (known to a neighbor).

But August 30 was more of a challenge.  It took us three hours (from 9 AM ‘til noon) just to determine where our Texas winner, Shelley Boyd of Red Oak, Texas, had gone.  Thanks to a trusted neighbor we learned she was far away: camping.

Being adventurers we quickly decided, “Let’s go for it!  Let’s find that campsite and surprise her there!”  And are we glad we did.  Following a two-hour drive into a scenic part of Texas we had not seen before, we wheedled our way into a wooded lakefront campground where the search for one camper among several hundred began in earnest.  After exploring many trails some friendly folks identified us as lost non-campers (yes, we kinda stood out in our Prize Patrol uniforms) and escorted us to the right campsite.

Shelley, her husband Dave and a lot of friends were socializing mid-afternoon when we drove up.  They gave us a big Texas welcome – befitting the roses, balloons, champagne and Big Check for $10,000.00.

“I don’t believe this! You came all the way from Red Oak?” cried Shelley as her friends hooted and applauded her good fortune.

Yep,” we said. We always find our winner.”

Word spread quickly about the camp.  We were invited to stay for some fine fishing and some warm hospitality.  (It was very hot.)

The moral of the story is this:  Whatever the season you can – and you shouldenter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes knowing that if you won we will not rest until that Big Check is in your hands.

Congratulations Shelley.  And to all you blog readers: Enter! And good luck!

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador

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