Publishers Clearing House Big Check – Exclusive Interview!

Born and raised in the vaults of New York with little more than the love of Mama Windfall and a few deposit slips to keep him warm, find out how Lucky Windfall made his way through stacks of safety deposit boxes to rise to the top as the Publishers Clearing House Big Check in this tell-all interview.
Q. Have you always wanted to be a Big Check?
A. Yes, it was a dream of mine since I could remember! I was actually one of 100 checks in the checkbook, you know, and Mama Windfall always tells the story of how while my brothers and sisters were running around the bank, jumping in and out of cash registers all day, I would knock on safety deposit boxes, wait for someone to answer and just stand there, smiling and asking for hugs. Our neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Pennyroll, thought I was crazy!
Q. Speaking of “crazy” – is it true you really travel around the country all year? You must be exhausted!
A. It sure is, but I’m not tired at all – I absolutely love it! Being the PCH Big Check is what I was born to do – and it’s an exciting time right now because in just a few weeks, on December 21st, we’ll be awarding a prize in our $7,000.00 A Week For Life Special Early Look Prize Event! I can’t wait to see where we’ll deliver that one!
Q. I bet your fans can’t wait to see where you go next, either! But in the meantime, what do you do when you’re not out delivering big prizes?
A. Well, with PCH giving so much money away I don’t get much down time, so when I do, I really make it count by training and making sure my corners are strong for Prize Day! I do number crunches, climb steps and stretch my payline so it can extend to fit even our biggest prizes with ease! I also have a few Big Check friends who work the game show circuit so it’s fun to watch daytime TV when I can and see their big TV appearances!
Q. How did you get your big break with Publishers Clearing House?
A. Well, remember, this was back in the ‘80s – I was walking around with a pierced signature line, rips in my zeros and a spiked border. I thought I was so cool! I was still knocking on doors, but it was to sell cookies for my Account Scout troop. After that, it was all fate – I knocked on Todd’s door, he bought all my cookies and took me in to PCH Headquarters to meet Dave Sayer and the rest of the team. I got a haircut, put on my “million-dollar smile” and the rest is history!
Q. Last question – can you give your fans any tips on how to win a SuperPrize and see you at their door?
A. People ask me this all the time and I always have the same answer and it’s – ENTER! Enter as often as you can! Enter while you exercise… enter while you eat… enter while you walk your dog! The more entries you have, the better! And with our $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event coming up soon, you should really be entering every single day if you want to win big! One of my favorite things to hear when I get to a winner’s door is… “I’ve been waiting for you! I’ve been entering, and I knew it would happen for me someday!” Keep trying and keep entering because dreams really do come true – they did for me when I got my big break with PCH, and they can for you!
Thanks for reading our Up Close & Personal interview with Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check. If you have any questions or comments for Lucky please post them below! And remember, enter to Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life at the top of this page and you could see him at your door on December 21st!