Publishers Clearing House Makes Giving Back Rewarding!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

A little act of kindness can make a big difference AND be very rewarding!

Just ask Laurie Venegas! She won $5,000.00 cash from the Publishers Clearing House “Give Back” Giveaway.

She’s no stranger to caring for her community and to entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes (she’s been entering loyally since she was 18 years old). So when Laurie saw “The Give Back,” she just had to participate.

This special charity event had folks vote on the PCH Fan Page for the charity they felt should win a big PCH donation. Fans could vote for the following charitable organizations:

STANDUP FOR KIDS (with 21,533 votes)

ASPCA (with 16,538 votes)

OPERATION HOMEFRONT (with 14,660 votes)

Laurie, like so many other Fan Page members, made a difference when she voted for her favorite charity. The charity with the most votes was awarded $25,000.00 and the two runners up were awarded $2,500.00 each!


Laurie was happy to vote for her favorite charity and thrilled to have won the $5,000.00 cash prize.

“I am a real estate broker and with the way the market has been this could not have come at a better time for me,” she said.

“I voted for Military Families (Operation Homefront), but all of the charities are very deserving,” Laurie said.

Publishers Clearing House has, even from the very first year it was founded by the Mertz family in 1958, been dedicated to funding charitable institutions. And today the Mertz philanthropic spirit lives on with nearly half of PCH’s profits going to benefit charitable causes ranging from the arts to social services to the environment.

Though the charity that Laurie voted for, OPERATION HOMEFRONT, did not take the most votes, it was still awarded $2,500.00 cash. That cash will help continue some very important work, indeed.

Thank you to all who voted!

Happy Holidays,

Elliott M.