Publishers Clearing House Wishes You A Happy New Year!

Thank you for making our Publishers Clearing House Blog Family bigger and better than ever! We hope you keep on sharing the joys of playing to win with us in 2017 – and keep reading every day to find out how we’re making the new year even more exciting!
Happy New Year, Blog Family! We hope 2017 is the best year ever!
As a matter of fact, we’re already planning on it – with new games, lotto cards, giveaways and other surprises that’ll get everyone talking for sure!
And that’s what we mean when we call you family! Just like at home, there’s always something to talk about here at Publishers Clearing House… and there’s nothing we love more than when you fans start talking in the comments section! You cheer each other on, cheer each other up and give us something to cheer about every single day!
We love that you reply to each other with helpful answers and advice …
We love that you encourage each other not to give up …
We love that you respond to questions, interact with each other and share your ideas every chance you get!
Our Blog Family is so amazing, we really can’t thank you enough for being a part of it! Whether you’re new to the PCHblog, or have been here for years, each and every one of you helps strengthen our community and contributes to our success – so THANK YOU! Your comments help us know whether we’re doing something right – and what we can do better – so THANK YOU! And your support of each other helps us love giving away big prizes even more – so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
As we reflect on the year gone by, and look toward the year ahead here at Publishers Clearing House (Apple/Android), we are truly grateful for a Blog Family like you — so let me say it just one more time… THANK YOU! We appreciate you spending time on the blog with us – and we hope the coming year brings you lots of wishes come true!
Happy New Year!
Laurel U.
PCH Creative
P.S. I want to show everyone how our PCHblog Family really comes together, so let’s end the year with a “bang”! Unite with me now and help me reach 500 comments below by telling me what you’d want to see at PCH in the year ahead! I can’t wait to hear what you think!