Ready For A Big Celebration? Because Tomorrow Is SUPERPRIZE DAY!

Last Updated: October 3, 2013

That’s right! This week we celebrated Memorial Day. And now we have a whole new reason to celebrate — and A BIG ONE! Because tomorrow is SUPERPRIZE Event day – the day that one lucky person is going to WIN BIG from Publishers Clearing House!

Talk about keeping the big celebration going! What if YOU are tomorrow’s big SuperPrize winner, and The Prize Patrol shows up at your house, bearing flowers, champagne, balloons and a “Big Check” check for $5,000 A Week for the rest of your life??!  How would YOU react?

C’mon, think about it! Just imagine if Todd, Dave, and Danielle pulled up in the Prize Patrol van outside your house.

–Would you calmly sit back, maybe enjoying a tasty cool beverage while the Prize Patrol gave you the big news?

–Would you jump up and down like a lunatic? Maybe do a cartwheel or a triple-flip off the sofa or your kids’ backyard jungle gym?

–Would you treat the entire neighborhood to a big celebration at a nearby restaurant, with all everyone can eat and drink?

–Or would you just pass out on the spot?

Well, I work here, so I can’t win. But I imagine if I ever did, my reaction would probably be a combination of all of the above!

What would YOU do with a check for $5,000 A Week for the rest of your life? Buy a new car…or one for each member of your family? Take a luxurious vacation? Pay off some bills?

Whatever the case may be, the Prize Patrol is now packing and prepping to get on the road, in hot pursuit of the winner.

Someone’s definitely going to win BIG tomorrow in the $5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event!  Will It Be You? And … Are you ready for the big celebration!?

Good luck!

Francine L.

PCH Online Creative

P.S. Hear it here first! Want to find out who the big winner is? Remember to check in right here at the PCHBlog, the PCH Fan Page and Danielle Lam’s PCH Prize Patrol Page for hints and updates all throughout the day tomorrow!