Real Winner Of PCH Sweepstakes Recounts Life Then And Now!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Hi everyone, it’s me Natalie Bostelman, a REAL WINNER of the PCH Sweepstakes!

Ah, July. July always seems to be extremely busy for me. Several family members and friends celebrated birthdays this month, I traveled a lot and, of course, there was Independence Day. But when I look back at the then and now, I realize that four years ago, it was even busier.

You see, in 2008, I was STRESSED. I was working at a local home interior store AND as a part-time bartender at our local theater. Oh, AND I had taken up another job as a personal assistant for an Insurance Broker. Did I mention that I was ALSO teaching once a week? I’m tired just thinking of it!

But you know what I always made time for? Entering ANY and EVERY way I could into the PCH Sweepstakes. In retrospect, it was one of the ways I could relieve my stress. It was FUN to go through my packets and to surf online. I entered through, PCHlotto, played PCHgames, and used PCHSearch&Win. In fact, PCHSearch&Win became a daily habit for me. Months earlier, I had won a $5 Amazon Gift Card through one of my searches. What a nice pay off! I think I purchased a book I had been eyeing for a few months.

Of course, the end game was to get my entries in for the BIGGER cash prizes, especially that SuperPrize! As I would fill out my entries, I would try to figure out what I would do with a Cash Windfall. I made a list. I’d pay off our bills, make donations to some local and national charities and build our dream home. Even if I didn’t win, the list was a nice goal.

Little did I know that the means to achieve those goals would be a’knockin’ at my door a month later. Yes, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol came swooping in to give me the “Big Check” and make me a REAL WINNER!! You can CHECK out my winning moment here.

Within just a few moments, my life had completely changed. I could go down to ONE job! We could pay off our major bills! I could do my donating AND…

We went from this…

To THIS! My very own dream home!

Isn’t my then and NOW amazing? Well it could happen for you, too. THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! We’re exactly ONE MONTH AWAY from the Big SuperPrize Event. In just weeks, YOU could become a REAL winner of the PCH Sweepstakes just like me. Tell me…how would a visit from the Prize Patrol change YOUR life? Comment below.

And don’t forget – you can ‘follow’ me on Twitter @NatalieatPCH.


Natalie Bostelman
2008 SuperPrize Winner
PCH Goodwill Ambassador

P.S. PCHLotto Reminder: The $1,450.00 Lotto Live Event Drawing is today at 3 PM ET! Don’t miss it — head over to PCHLotto now!