Last Updated: February 20, 2014


Hello blog fans!

Excitement is building here at Publishers Clearing House! We’re just days away from our February 28th Special Early Look Event, where the Prize Patrol could be awarding the LARGEST PRIZE PCH HAS EVER OFFERED. And to help you to get in the running to win it all, Prize Patrol Elite member Danielle Lam is here with a special “RED ALERT” reminder for you!

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That’s right. Today’s your VERY LAST chance online to enter to win $1,000,000 A Year “Forever” on February 28th! You could win LIFETIME PAYMENTS of One Million Dollars every single year for yourself, PLUS, after that, the payments would continue for the life of someone you choose! Imagine being able to leave a legacy for a loved one like that!

What an INCREDIBLE prize! But don’t forget, the SuperPrize Event date is JUST DAYS away, so time is of the essence.  DON’T MISS this important deadline! A lifetime of financial security for you and your loved ones could be at stake!

Remember, today is the ABSOLUTE, FINAL, LAST DAY to enter to win.  Make sure to make entering your FIRST PRIORITY! Do it TODAY by 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time!

Jane M.
PCH Creative

P.S. Our February 28th SuperPrize Event is what we call a Special Early Look. In just a few days, we’ll finally have the results of our Special Early Look Drawing. Be sure to check back at the blog this Wednesday, Feb. 26th to see what amount will be awarded on February 28th — One Million Dollars OR $1,000,000 A Year “Forever”!