So many October PCHSearch&Win winners, it’s almost SCARY!

Happy Halloween, my dears …
Just taking a break from the day’s delightful spookiness to introduce our latest monthly “batch” of lucky PCHSearch&Win winners — congrats to them all!
Lucky and SMART, I should say: all our October winners “get it” that PCHSearch&Win is the internet’s ONLY search engine that gives you great results AND Free chances to go for guaranteed daily PCH prizes, like the ones listed below.
Speaking of guaranteed prizes, your first Search&Win search of the day also activates a FREE entry for our tremendous PCH $2,500.00 A Week For Life prize (link to that’s guaranteed to be delivered by our Prize Patrol very soon.
So get busy and start searching for what you USUALLY search for — anything from where to getting the best deals on leftover Halloween candy and decorations and killer recipes for Thanksgiving … to who’s looking good in the latest pro football showdown, movie reviews and talking parakeet videos (my personal favorite).
Any PCHSearch&Win search could connect you to a Free daily prize as our lucky October winners discovered. And then — who knows? — we could post YOUR name on next month’s Month in Winning blog!
Once again, heartiest Congrats to our October Search&Win winners!
Pretty cool, huh? Would you like to get in to win guaranteed daily prizes like these? Then head over to PCHSearch&Win!, where you don’t just search … you could also WIN!
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Happy Halloween!
PCH Creative