So Many Ways To Stay In The Know On Prize Day!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

The PCH “Forever” Prize Event is TOMORROW and there are so many ways to stay in the know all day long!

Hey Friends and Fans!

Nowadays, there are oh, so many ways to stay informed. We live in an age of endless information – where we can find out the really important stuff going on half a world away or on our doorstep – and the not-so-important stuff, like the name of our favorite celebrity’s baby (perhaps before even his or her grandparents know). Needless to say, there is no shortage of ways to stay in the know and up to date on the things that move us, shake us, teach us and color our world.

And I’m so happy to say that the Publishers Clearing House “Forever” Prize Event is no different! Tomorrow, August 31st — aka PRIZE DAY – there will be SO many ways for you fans to stay in the know on ALL the latest prize info!

Where do I begin? Well, for starters, on Facebook! The PCH Fan Page and the Danielle Lam PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page are your go-to pages for all the latest prize info! Nowhere else on this glorious contraption that we call the “Internet” will you be able to find more clues, hints, photos and videos from the Prize Patrol as they make their trek to find the “Forever” Prize Event winner and surprise him or her with the coveted Big Check.

Keep in mind, however, that you can always tune in right here to the PCH Blog, as we will be updating you ALL DAY LONG with you a bevy of clues about where the Prize Patrol is headed. And by the end of the day we’ll post the final winner announcement!

And that’s not all! For the first time ever, the PCHSearch&Win Blog will also be updated throughout the day with clues and hints from the road! How cool!

So, don’t stay in the dark on prize day — follow the clues all day long on each of the sites above to really share in our prize day celebration! Who knows…by the end of the day, you could find out that YOU’RE our newest millionaire!

Good Luck!

Jussie Wilder