Spotlight On Our April PCHSuperFan of the Month – Dalia!

Last Updated: November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 Update: This SuperFan promotion was a special promotion that was previously offered to consumers and is not currently being offered.  We constantly vary our promotions to bring new and updated excitement for our Facebook Fans, because they’re all Super! To get in on any new Facebook fan promotions, all you have to do is “Like” us on the PCH Facebook page at and watch for new offers!

Hello PCH friends!

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you consider yourself a big fan of Publishers Clearing House. Whether you’ve been entering through the mail in the 1980’s or you just started playing games with us online last week, our fans all have one thing in common: they are true believers who know that miracles can happen!

Here at the PCH Headquarters, we knew we needed a way to help set our biggest fans apart from those who only enter once in a blue moon. We also wanted a way to give our biggest supporters, not only a look behind the scenes, but even more opportunities to win as well!


That’s when we started our “PCHSuperFan” program through our PCH Fan Page on Facebook!  It’s gone over great, and we thought – well these awesome fans deserve a chance in the spotlight!

So this month, to kick things off, we’re welcoming Dalia P. to the PCHSuperFan Spotlight! Here’s my interview with her…

Matt: When did you first become a PCHSuperFan?

Dalia: I was on the Facebook PCH site and saw a link that said SF. I clicked on it last year, so thats how long Ive been a fan.


Matt: How long have you been entering PCH Sweepstakes?

Dalia: I started back in 2009.

Matt: Have you ever won a PCH prize before?

Dalia: Yes, I won $1,000!

Matt: Wow, congratulations! How did you win the $1,000?

Dalia: I don’t know, to be honest! I go to Danielle Lam’s fan page very often and click through there. I enter so much that it could have been any of those times. Then the check came through the mail and I was very surprised. I called the number on the letter just to be sure. I won last year, not long after I became a SuperFan.

Matt: How did your family react? Did they not believe you?

Dalia: My niece was asking me how I won, how it could be true. She wanted to know where this money came from! So I told her, “well, I clicked on the links on the PCH website, I saw their offers, and I did it because I read somewhere that you could win!”

Matt: Besides the links from Danielle Lams Fan Page, do you enter in any other ways?

Dalia: Yes, I use PCHSearch&Win and I get lots of tokens. I also just started using PCHFrontpage, where you can get news and other things.

Matt: Did you always think you would win? Did you family ever make fun of you?

Dalia: My husband and my son never thought I’d win anything! But then when the commercials for PCH were on TV, then they’d hope that I’d win.

Matt: What about the commercials made them believers?

Dalia: The people in the commercials just seemed real. So I guess we thought, “If they’re real, why can’t that next winner be me?” I did other sweepstakes too, but I stopped. But I’ve never stopped doing PCH!

Matt: Congratulations again on winning $1,000! So now that you know it is real, what other prize would you hope to win at Publishers Clearing House?

Dalia: My dream prize would be to win $5,000.00 A Week For Life! But any of the big prizes would be great. But I know I have to work for it by entering!

Matt: If you won a big SuperPrize, what would you do with the money?

Dalia: I’d love to go on vacation! And then pay some debt, of course. But I’d love to go to Europe, maybe Greece.

Matt: So as a PCH SuperFan, what advice would you give to other people hoping for a prize from Publishers Clearing House?

Dalia: I’d tell them to keep trying! You never know when it is going to be your day to win something. Never stop… if you don’t try, you won’t win! And it’s real!

There you have it, folks! Not a PCHSuperFan? Becoming one is really easy! Just go to and sign up! Just look at all the benefits of being a PCHSuperFan…


So you see, becoming a PCHSuperFan is really worthwhile! If you aren’t a PCHSuperFan yet, be sure to register today – it’s absolutely FREE!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. Have a friend or family member who loves PCH as much as you do? Why not share this blog to get them in on the SuperFan action, too! That’s what being a SuperFan is all about!

P.P.S. Interested in being featured in next month’s SuperFan Spotlight? Comment below!