Spring Brings New Prizes for Prize Days!

Last Updated: March 19, 2012

Hey PCHers,

Spring has sprung! Warm weather is here and do you know what that means? A brand new baseball season is just around the corner. Players and coaches can be seen rising from the dark dugouts as loyal fans come out to the ballpark and start filing in to watch their beloved teams prepare for the 2012 regular season (I’m definitely one of those fans).

Spring brings a fresh start to my favorite team (the one with the famous pinstripes) who was sent home during the postseason last year and ultimately missed their chance to play in the World Series®.  If you struck out, just like my team and me, Publishers Clearing House has some good news for you!

We’re giving you more chances to step up to the plate and win BIG.

To help kick off a new season, PCH is tossing you an opportunity to hit a home run by BRINGING the excitement to “players” like YOU with a whole new  lineup of awards during PRIZE DAYS, or as I like to call it, our Spring “Winning” Series Event.

Click on this link now and you can enter for your chance to have the famous Prize Patrol surprise you with up to $2O,OOO.OO CASH from April 11th through April 14!

Each prize is guaranteed to be awarded, so get yourself in the running to win CASH in just weeks!

But be sure to click here now and enter before the strict deadline of April 2nd!

So let’s get to the fun part and check out the BIG prizes we have due up:

Wednesday, April 11th: A SHORTSTOP TO FINANCIAL RELIEF $5,OOO.OO! Guaranteed! (Gwy. No. 2222)

Thursday, April 12th: CATCH $7,OOO.OO! Guaranteed! (Gwy. No. 2222)

Friday, April 13th: DUGOUT $1O,OOO.OO TO HELP YOU “DIGOUT” OF DEBT! Guaranteed! (Gwy. No. 2222)

Saturday, April 14th: DIVE INTO $2O,OOO.OO! Guaranteed! (Gwy. No. 2222)

Good luck to YOU


Matt S.

PCH Creative

P.S. Trivia Time

1) Who is your favorite baseball team?

2) Can you guess which team is my favorite? (hint: I mention the answer somewhere in the blog)