Stressed Out About Money? Never Been a Better Time to Enter Our Free Sweepstakes!

Hey there, friends and fans! I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe during these trying times. I also hope that that applies to your mental health: that if you’re social distancing, you’re keeping yourself entertained, and that you’re not too stressed out about money! It’s important to remember that we will get through this and that this too shall pass.
However, while I think optimism for the future is a luxury we can all afford, it doesn’t always address very real concerns about the present. And it’s more than reasonable to be stressed out about money if you’re facing some financial woes. One thing you can do, especially if you’re finding yourself at home, is enter to win our free sweepstakes!
Entering to win at is easy, and if you visit our sweepstakes tab, you’ll see incredible prizes, like the $7,000.00 A Week For Life prize, authorized for award in JUST DAYS on April 30th! That kind of money would make your financial worries vanish, and for the next three days, you can get in to win it! (Even if the matching winner number for the $7,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize is not returned or is ineligible, there will be a Second Chance Drawing – and all eligible numbers will get in to win a GUARANTEED $1,000,000.00 prize!)
Now let me be clear — you should not rely PCH to make your money woes disappear. While we’ve given out over $485 million over the years, PCH has a lot of fans who all want to win, and unfortunately, we can’t deliver a life-changing prize to everyone (as much as we would like to!). But our sweepstakes are always free to enter, and if you are selected the winner of one of our many prizes, it could be HUGE!
So while you brainstorm other ways to increase your income, you should definitely check out! Maybe for every job application you complete, you complete a free sweepstakes or game to reward yourself! If you’re stressed out about money, now is the time to do something about it, from practical, down-to-earth steps like trying to find new sources of income, to bigger, bolder ideas, like getting in to win with Publishers Clearing House!
And there’s even more — while we’re most famous for big prizes, like the $7,000.00 A Week For Life prize, our sites like PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto, and PCHgames have cash prize winners every single day! While those prizes might be smaller, like a gift card or a $100.00 daily tournament prize, every penny counts!
And with all of the social distancing going on, you may have some free time on your hands…and PCHgames is an especially fun way to spend some of that! (You could also search for ideas for what to do on PCHSearch&Win and PCHFrontpage — personally, I’ve started taking online French lessons.)
It’s only natural to feel stressed out during hard times, and that’s doubly true if you’re stressed out about money. But I know PCH fans are the most hopeful around, so remember to keep the faith that things will get better, and do you what you can to change that today!
Stay safe and healthy!
Will F.
PCH Creative