Sweepstakes Winner Laurie Aragon Reads This Blog!

Last Updated: March 2, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends!

One of the best things about working here at PCH is working on this blog. I enjoy writing posts for the blog just as much as I enjoy reading your comments (and I DO read them!).

So as you can imagine, I was so thrilled to stumble across our very own $1,000,000 Sweepstakes winner Laurie Aragon commenting on the blog!

Sweepstakes Winner Laurie Aragon

As you may recall, Laurie, from Farmington, New Mexico had her prayers answered just in time – literally. The power company was outside ready to turn off her electricity when the Prize Patrol arrived with a $1 Million PCH Big Check. Take a look at her winning moment below:


The day after she became a Sweepstakes winner, Laurie posted this comment on the PCH blog:

Sweepstakes Winner comment

Then, in response to our January 5th blog post entitled “A Powerful Winning Moment in More Ways Than One,”, in which her amazing life-changing story was spotlighted, Laurie posted the following comment, stating,

“You made my dreams come true …”

PCH Sweepstakes Winner

Laurie has continued to comment on the blog, thanking everyone for their kind words, and encouraging others to keep on entering, telling those who don’t think it could happen to them:

“It’s real! So real!”

So, why not take Laurie’s words to heart: “If it happened to me, it could happen to you”!!! Enter to win $7,000 A Week For Life today! Who knows? You could win a fortune, just like Laurie!

Thank you so much, Laurie, for reading and commenting on the blog, and providing support and encouragement to all our fans and friends!

And thanks to all of you who read the blog, and make our day with your positive, enthusiastic comments. In fact, why not comment below right now?


Debbie K.
PCH Creative