Want to Win Big? Don’t Be Me! As I’ve oft stated, I’m ineligible to enter or win any PCH giveaways. So I’d like to believe there’s an alternate universe in which exists a Russell who is free to enter PCH giveaways – especially those at the PCHrewards Token Exchange. Alternate-world Russell (let’s just call him […]
Hey there friends and fans! Not only are the Ides of March come and gone, but the rest of it is almost through too! It’s officially spring, and soon enough, we’ll be experiencing lamb-like weather (which is unfortunate for me, I already think it’s too hot, but I might be alone in that camp). But […]
Wow, what a month! October really sizzled with prize-action at PCH, as we awarded thousands of dollars in cash prizes to our daily pch.com winners, PLUS a millionaire-making fortune to our 10/13 SuperPrize winner. Let’s see who’s winning at pch.com and find out how you can get onto the PCH winners list next month! First, […]
At PCH, it’s all about winning! To date, we’ve given away over $253,000,000.00 in prizes, to folks from all over the nation and from all walks of life. A lot of customers ask us, “Where can I find a recent PCH Winners List?” or “How do I know if I have won?” You’ll find the […]