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Article Tags: Prize Patrol

Last Updated: April 23, 2018

“There they go, out the door again!” You hear that pretty often around the Publishers Clearing House offices when people talk about the Prize Patrol! Seriously, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve walked over to Danielle or Howie’s desks only to find a note that says “Out On Prize Patrol – Be Back […]

Last Updated: April 19, 2018

Hey, gang … how about that? Just a few weeks back, our Power Prize winner, Carli Steffes  became the 100th member of the Publishers Clearing House “Millionaires Club.”  Congratulations, Carli!  Our Prize Patrol tracked her down in snowy Sioux Falls, South Dakota … but her smile was pure Florida sunshine. Across the Midwest to Constantine, […]

Last Updated: April 10, 2018

We’ve been hearing it from our fans for years, and it’s time to set the record straight. Sure, when the Prize Patrol knocks on a door and the winner just happens to be home, you imagine he or she must be retired and might be getting on in years. And then the next question on […]

Last Updated: April 6, 2018

Have you heard about the Prize Patrol’s recent PowerPrize giveaway, where they awarded our PCHlotto prize of $4,978,632.00? We always award a lot of money at Publishers Clearing House, but I love it when our PCHlotto prize giveaway amounts are this big! We’ve been talking about this fantastic prize award for a while, and we’re […]

Last Updated: April 5, 2018

You’ve all seen the videos of our exciting winning moments and know that the Prize Patrol arrives at the lucky winner’s door with balloons, a bouquet of roses, the BIG check and the cameras rolling. But did you know that they also bring a Prize Patrol Winner’s Folder filled with all the essential forms and […]

Last Updated: March 27, 2018

I’m sure like everyone else, you all have bills to pay. And if you ever won a huge sweepstakes you’d all probably think of paying those off first. Paying your bills would be a breeze! But a life-changing prize would also help you spend money in many more INTERESTING ways! We have thought of a […]

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When you see our iconic “winning moments” on TV, you surely see an ecstatic winner, the Big Check, roses, balloons and the Prize Patrol.  What you don’t see is the one person that makes it possible for you to witness all that excitement: the video cameraman! Without a professional cameraman (or camerawoman) to capture all […]

Last Updated: March 26, 2018

Hello, my blog-reading chums! It’s been said that our most fabulous dreams, like winning a huge prize from the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, are reflections of our lives — and, who knows, maybe even peeks into the future! Know how we got the idea to ask you whether you dream about winning at PCH? From a […]

Last Updated: March 15, 2018

I think it’s safe to assume that everyone dreams of winning a PCH SuperPrize. They fantasize about what to buy, where to go, whom to help. But even though dreaming is wonderful, it’s going to take a little more to be ready to win. So, we put together a fun little “WIN-FOGRAPHIC” with three easy […]

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

There’s an insurance company running a lot of commercials claiming “We’ve seen almost everything” and “We’ve seen a thing or two.”  You’ve probably seen their TV spots. Funny thing is – we Prize Patrolers could make the same claims in our TV ads featuring PCH winning moments.  We’ve delivered close to a thousand Big Checks […]