“Tax-Free” Sweepstakes And Easy Tax Returns

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

File your taxes on time and enter to win the $100,000 “Tax-Free” sweepstakes prize from Publishers Clearing House!

As the April 18th tax-filing deadline gets closer, many Americans are racing to fill out their tax returns. Luckily today there is a wide selection of easy to use resources to make filing taxes a breeze. Some of these tools are better than others and, like any activity you do online, it always pays to do your research on the service or tool that you are going to use to file your taxes.

A great place to research the various tax-filing tools is PCHSearch&Win. You can search for words like ‘How to file taxes’, ‘tax dates 2011’ or ‘best way to file taxes online’. You’ll find a long list of search results that show you which tools are the best and cheapest depending on how complicated your tax returns are. If you haven’t used one of these tools before, they simply ask you a series of questions and automatically generate and file your tax return for you!

By now you know that you can use PCHSearch&Win to search for anything on the internet, just like you would use any other search engine like Google or Yahoo. PCHSearch&Win isn’t just any search engine because when you search, you get entered to win one of the many daily instant prizes. Just visit PCHSearch&Win on any given day to see which prizes are up for grabs!

But, that’s not all. For the next few weeks, your first search of the day on PCHSearch&Win will enter you into our $100,000 “tax-free” Sweepstakes, which will be awarded on April 29th. Of course a $100,000 is a lot of money, but when it comes “tax-free”, it’s that much better. So head over to PCHSearch&Win today for your opportunity to win this unique “Tax-Free” Prize – $100,000 Cash, PLUS the funds to cover all federal, state and local taxes on the prize!


Frank @ PCH