Tell Us: What’s Your Secret To Winning?

Last Updated: March 10, 2015

Secret to winning

Funny, but it seems that every one of our winners has a different answer to questions like this.

Some say that patience is the key, like our recent millionaire, Rosemary Cella. She never gave up, and entered our Sweepstakes as often as she could. Despite her husband’s teasing, she “kept the faith” – and it paid off big time!

Keep the faith in winning

Or, maybe you believe in “beginner’s luck” – and have only started to enter our Sweeps recently. The truth is, any timely entry – whether at, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames or with our classic mailed Bulletins – could make you a winner, so be sure to enter every day and any way you can!

Or maybe you’re a believer in fate – that winning is “written in the stars” but that only time will reveal when. That’s ANOTHER very good reason to keep firing up your PCH Sweepstakes entries every day!  Any one of your responses could bring fate – all dressed up as our famous Prize Patrol – to your front door!

your time to win

So tell us in the “COMMENTS” section below: What’s Your Special Secret to Winning? That strategy could really come in handy soon – because we’re getting ready to deliver an enormous prize – $7,000 A Week For Life – in our April 30th Special Early Look prize event.

So while we’re on the subject, enter right now!  On April 30th, you could be facing a TV camera and the Prize Patrol, telling millions of people about your winning ways!

Hoping your dreams come true …

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