The Big Game Day is Over … But The Winning Never Stops at PCH!

Last Updated: February 3, 2014

Come score with PCH

Congratulations to you loyal Seattle fans! And for you sad Denver enthusiasts, well … there’s always Big Game Day ’15!

I have a terrible confession to make, football fans. I know it seems almost un-American, but I don’t know anything about football. When folks start talking about  “home field advantage,” and “intentional grounding,” my eyes kind of glaze over …


But one thing I DO know … and I want to make sure YOU know it, too:

SOMEONE IS GOING TO BECOME A Publishers Clearing House MILLIONAIRE IN A FEW WEEKS in our February 28th Special Early Look Event

 How much could this PCH Millionaire win?  How about this:

Forever Prize

YES, that’s right … if you won the “Forever” Prize, you’d collect a Million Dollars every single year for the rest of your life … plus, after that, those Million Dollar payments would continue for the lifetime of someone YOU choose!

Talk about a WIN/WIN situation!

And going for this enormous prize couldn’t be easier … or more fun! No shivering in the bleachers … no overpriced hot dogs … just a click of your mouse each day in the cozy comfort of your own home.

Just be sure to enter each and every day at, right up until the final deadline date of February 20th. That means that if you start today, you could activate 18 entries at alone … and any one could bring the Prize Patrol to your door on February 28th!

Prize Patrol with Forever Prize

Whoa! That is a LOT of money! It would all be for the winner to enjoy … PLUS the satisfaction of knowing that those huge One Million Dollar annual checks would go on and on for someone near and dear!

 What a wonderful legacy of financial security THAT would be for someone dear!

Yes, fans, yesterday’s football spectacular is over … but the game is definitely ON at

Don’t miss today’s chance – or any day after that ­ – to go for our life-changing “Forever” Prize. Enter right now!

“Passing” winning thoughts your way …

Marybeth Henry

PCH Creative