The Great Debate! Which Kind Of Check Is More Exciting?

It seems like every few months there’s a great debate that travels like lightning through the world of pop culture, and now we’ve got one about our Big Check!
First, what side of the fence do you fall on? Have you seen the pictures of the black and blue dress? Or, wait, is it a white and gold dress? Or how about the famous sound clip: is it “yanny” or “laurel”? When it comes to fun watercooler discussions, it’s always fun to banter about our opinions!
So here’s the PCH version for you: what would be more exciting to see, the Big Check or the real check?
Everyone knows that when the Prize Patrol shows up to a winner’s house, they bring the unmistakable Big Check with them! It’s so big, it’s probably one of the first things the winner sees. But even the biggest PCH fan may not have noticed that the Prize Patrol does something interesting when presenting the big check. The next time you watch one of our winning moments, look carefully and you’ll notice that the Prize Patrol member holding the big check keeps it REVERSED until the last possible moment! That means that the prize amount on the check isn’t revealed to the winner until the check is flipped over!
It’s in this reveal moment that you see the big reaction from the winner, and it’s always memorable. Sometimes they jump up and down, sometimes they yell, and sometimes they’re completely stunned. But what comes next is also very interesting. After the shock has set in, someone from the Prize Patrol pulls out a real check with an initial prize payment “just to get them started.”
So, when the Prize Patrol hands over this real check, the reaction is quite different. It’s usually a gasp for air. You can see the expression on their face with the knowledge of “wow, this isn’t a prank, this isn’t a fake out. This is real!”
We’ve got two different types of reactions to two different kinds of checks, but here’s the question: which is more exciting?
There’s that initial shock of seeing the Prize Patrol at your door and the reveal of the big check. You have the moment where the winner sees the big check, revealing the prize amount in beautiful bold lettering. Now they have the prize amount spelled out in BIG HUGE TYPE!
But then a few moments later, the Prize Patrol shows them the real check. Much smaller, less grandiose … but it can be taken to the bank —the only thing it’s missing is the winner’s signature for deposit! This check is valuable, it’s more than just a symbol of great things ahead … now it’s all going to start really happening!
Which would it be for you? Seeing the prize amount on the big check? Or seeing that initial payment on the real check when the Prize Patrol hands it over. Tell us in the comments below!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. – Have you ever wondered who makes the Big Check? Click on this link to read a blog that’s all about the check craftsman Michael Carrozzo!