The PCHSearch&Win Triple 7s Event Starts NOW!

Hey there, friends and fans! Are you excited for our Triple 7s Event at PCHSearch&Win?
Have you used PCHSearch&Win before? If not, I highly recommend it — it’s the internet’s premiere search engine for winning opportunities! So not only can it aid you on your quest for knowledge (whether you’re checking out restaurant and hotel reviews, like most people, or searching 30 Rock quotes, like me), but you get entered to win great prizes.
For example, with your first search of the day, you get in the running to win $7,000.00 A Week For Life, authorized for award on April 26th! But that’s not all you can win … there are events and prizes exclusive to PCHSearch&Win throughout the year, and today is the start of one of the best ones, Triple 7s!
From today until Sunday, a full seven days, seven exclusive prizes are up for grabs, including a top prize of $7,000.00! That’s right … seven days, seven prizes, and you can win up to $7,000.00! They say seven is a lucky number (and, per Harry Potter, the most powerful of all magical numbers). So, care to put your luck to the test with this special event?
How to Win the Triple 7s Event!
Surely, you’d want to win one of the seven event-exclusive prizes that are GUARANTEED for award, but the question now is how do you get in to win?
Since this is a PCHSearch&Win Event, I think you might be able to guess that in order to get your shot to win, you’ve got to search! But there’s more to it … you see, this event is exclusive only to our very best searchers! Only through special event communications can you claim your shot to win these guaranteed prizes.
If you’re not signed up to receive mailings from PCHSearch&Win, you should start by changing that! Not only for event exclusive prizes, but PCHSearch&Win offers awesome winning opportunities every day, and many of them can be claimed through email!
Then, become one of our best searchers by searching each day! Remember to follow these tips to get the best search results! While you may not make it to our best searcher group in time for the Triple 7s event, like I said, PCHSearch&Win has events all year long and offers other great prizes, so it’s in your best interest to make sure you’re signed up!
Are you going to partake in this year’s Triple 7s Event? Let us know your good luck charms in the comments below!
Will F.
PCH Creative