Time Marches On at PCH

The word is out around my town that I’m one of the guys who presents those Big Checks “as seen on TV” to winners of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes . When people recognize and talk to me the first words they utter are “You mean that thing’s real?” Secondly they say, “So when are you coming to my house?” I ask them if they entered; they sheepishly admit they did not — but quickly add “Y’know, my grandmother used to play that all the time!”
Well, Grandma was smart! Even if she didn’t win a Big Check she realized that if she didn’t enter she’d lose for sure. Today you yourself may be a grandmother (or a grandfather or a parent) and as a PCH fan, you also recognize that “You have to be in it to win it.”
But you have some advantages that Grandma didn’t enjoy at the PCH of “yesterday” — like lots of fun-filled websites where you can enter every day for more chances to win – with prizes every day too. AND the prizes are much bigger than ever – some offering a lifetime of financial security for the lucky winner AND for the loved one he or she names for another lifetime. AND these days PCH offers a lot more than unbeatable magazine subscription deals: we offer all kinds of great merchandise that you won’t find anywhere else – at great value prices.
Thanks for being a believer and recognizing that “Time marches on at PCH.” Feel free to spread the word. Above all, YOU keep entering – and maybe our Prize Patrol will march up to your front door too!
Wishing you the best of luck.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador