Last Updated: August 22, 2012

Independence Day is here, the day we celebrate our freedom as a nation — and a day for fireworks, picnics, get-togethers and patriotic fervor.

For William Manee of Tennessee, Independence Day 2011 will live in his memory as the day that Publishers Clearing House announced him as the winner of our special Fourth of July prize.

Actually our Prize Patrol “jumped the gun” and awarded Bill his $10,000.00 prize a few days ahead of time. The entry deadline had passed and all timely entries had been processed in time for the drawing, so upon learning who the winner was, we just couldn’t wait to deliver the good news — and the Big Check.

Danielle Lam, video cameraman Randy and I arrived at Bill’s home, about an hour outside of Nashville and found he wasn’t there.  But a friend Susan was at the house and told us where he worked.  A half-hour later we walked into Bill’s office and “knocked his socks off.”

“I never won anything in my life!” Bill exclaimed as his office colleagues looked on in amazement.   He was thrilled with the cash windfall — which will go to his daughter’s college fund, his savings account, and to his church.

Bill won with a PCHSearch&Win online entry and vows he will continue to do all his searches that way.  “Why not?“ he figures — especially when we reminded him that he can enter every day and be eligible to win even more, even millions of dollars.  (There’s nothing in the PCH Sweepstakes Rules that says you can’t win twice!)

For some other especially lucky Publishers Clearing House winners, their “Independence Day” was that memorable date when the Prize Patrol delivered lifetime financial security in the form of a multi-million dollar SuperPrize.  Now winning something like THAT would really be something to Celebrate! — just as our new TV commercials are singing about.

YOU, dear blog reader, could be our next winner and have your own special “independence day.”  In fact, YOU could win $5,000 a week — every single week — for life!

So enter today – and every day.  Simply click here on this link to pch.com and get started!


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador