Trouble Paying Your Bills? Get in to Win a PCH Fortune!

Hey there, friends and fans!
Did you know that the average American is over $38,000.00 in debt? And that’s not even including mortgages (which can be a good form of debt to have). With so much money owed, it can be a real challenge paying your bills, be they rent, utilities, medical, credit card, or more. One quick way to get debt-free and pay your bills would be winning the PCH $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize (link to, GUARANTEED for award on February 28th!
If you’re new to the world of PCH, you may not know that the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” prize not only entails $5,000.00 a week for the life of the winner, but after that, those same payments would continue on for someone of the winner’s choosing!
Let’s face it — life is expensive. Even if you prepare, an unexpectedly large expense (or two or three, because when it rains, it pours) can dig into your savings and force you into compromising financial positions. A lot of these circumstances aren’t even your fault: medical issues can happen to anyone, and regardless of how much you have put to the side, they can happen at a massive cost.
Sometimes, cost-cutting measures — shopping for food instead of eating takeout, buying clothes on sale, do-it-yourself home repairs , an embargo on avocado toast— aren’t enough to wipe out debt and make it easier for you to pay your bills. But if you won $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”, can you imagine how much easier it would be to pay your bills, plus build some financial security for your whole family?
Since it is always free to enter to win, surely you want to know how to do so! Here are a few things you can do RIGHT NOW!
First, look to the right side of the screen and scroll up! You’ll see a banner with a big “Enter Now” button — click it and you’ll start the process of claiming an entry to win! It looks something like this:
Next up, go to PCHSearch&Win where, with just one search, you’ll get in to win the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize! Use it like any search engine — and then do the same at PCHFrontpage!
One last thing to do is go to PCHgames, where, with your first complete game play of the day, you’ll claim an entry to win!
While you should not rely on winning the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” prize to pay your bills — there will only be one “Forever” prize winner this February — why not take a chance and get in to win now?
Best of luck!
Will F.
PCH Creative