Use PCHSearch&Win to Find the BEST Halloween Costume!

Hi there, friends and fans!
It’s almost time for my favorite holiday (well, second favorite holiday — my birthday’s in August): HALLOWEEN! Between the candy, the scary flicks, and the costume parties, what’s not to like? But I’m having a major problem this year…I have no idea what my costume should be, and I’m sure some of you are having the same issue. Fortunately, PCHSearch&Win is here to save the day!
With the big day fast approaching (and Halloweekend coming even faster), it’s time to start thinking about how to impress your friends and neighborhood children with something spooky, silly, or original! No more sheets with eyehole slits or masks leftover from parties from years before (guilty of the latter), with PCHSearch&Win, you can scour the Web for the best costume ideas!
As an added bonus, when you search, you’ll also get in to win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”, GUARANTEED for Award on October 26th! That could mean $2,500 a week for the rest of your life and, after that, $2,500 a week for life for someone you choose! Win, and I have a feeling you’ll get a lot of trick-or-treaters at your door!
What to Search for to Get Costume Ideas…
When you make your way over to PCHSearch&Win, you’re going to need a game plan to get costume ideas. What are you going to search for? The most obvious choice would be “Best Halloween Costume Ideas,” but what’s the fun in that? Let’s first figure out some categories!
Starting in early childhood, I’ve gone as a number of fictional characters. From one of my toddler costumes as a flying monkey from The Wizard of Oz, a vengeance demon from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and at least three runs as Dracula, this tactic has paid off! So why not search for your favorite TV shows and movies to gain some inspiration. Maybe you’ll end up going as your favorite character on The Big Bang Theory or your favorite member of the MCU!
Another popular one is to pick a profession! One of my scariest costumes was one of these…I went as a lawyer (spooky, I know). The next year, I made it even more terrifying and dressed up as a politician! But doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers are all good options! What you can do is search for ways to really specialize your costume – don’t just be a doctor, be a gastroenterologist!
Of course, the Internet has gotten a lot more prominent since my earliest days, and now some of the most clever costumes are based on memes and other viral sensations. Maybe you can dress your kid up as “Charlie Bit My Finger” or “Baby Shark” (my apologies to all of the parents who now have that song stuck in their head again).
With PCHSearch&Win though, your ability to research costume ideas – and literally anything else – is endless! So why not head over there and start searching now! And remember, with your first search of the day after logging on, you’ll gain entry to win the amazing PCH SuperPrize guaranteed for award on October 26th!
Happy Halloween!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: Like I said, I don’t know my costume yet, egad! Let me know your suggestions – or some of your favorite old costumes – in the comments below!